Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is There a Game Tonight?

Besides my man crush on Chase Utley and Pedro being my first love, I really don't give a fuck about this series. And why would you? It represents all that is wrong with the world. I just don't understand how people can say that either of these teams are remotely "likeable." It's still the same old Yankees. A-roid is hitting bombs like he's back in Seattle, Pettite is still a fucking scumbag who used HGH, Johnny Damon is still gay, Jorge still has a retarded son, Mariano is one post-season melt down from retirement, Cano is a punk who thinks he's the '93 me, and then there is Mark Tex. I never thought I could hate anyone more than A-roid but then this prick came along. I'd like to just tie this clown to a post and punch him in the face over and over and over and over again until I broke every bone in his face. And then I'd take a hammer and a chisle and and pound away at his knee caps every 30 seconds until they turned to dust.

Special thanks goes out to the thought of Dylan Sellberg and his yankee hat for making this post possible

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