Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'd Rather Be Dead

I don't what to say really. I always knew Pap was going to blow it at the worst possible time. All season long it was clear that the guy didn't have the gas he used to throw or maybe players were just catching up to his fastball. I don't know. I'm not Peter fucking Gammons. What I do know is that this wasn't our year. You can't limp into the playoffs like the Sox did. You could argue that they were resting players and only playing for the playoffs but momentum always overcomes that shit. I guess you gotta be happy we didn't go into the ALCS and get our asses pounded in by the Yanks 'cause you know that was inevitable. I don't know what I'm even saying anymore. I think it's best I take a week long hiatus from this blog. Clear my thoughts, rest my engines and re-charge my batteries.

Tom Terrific coughing it up with under 2 minutes to play? Like what the fuck did I do? It's like I'm finally being punished for all the unspeakable acts I've done over the years.

p.s. when everything feels like the movies, yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.

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