Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey Asshole, You Can't Say That

Chiefs running back Larry Johnson, less than 24 hours after taking on coach Todd Haley on his Twitter profile, maintained an edge Monday when approached by reporters in the team's locker room. Hours after Kansas City's 37-7 loss to San Diego on Sunday, Johnson tweeted several controversial remarks directed toward Haley and the coach's lack of football experience. Haley, who is in his first season as a head coach at any level, never played football in high school, college or the pros. A message posted on Johnson's profile, whose username Sunday about 7 p.m. stated: "My father played for the coach from 'rememeber the titans'. Our coach played golf. My father played for redskins briefley. Our coach. Nuthn." Johnson continued the rant, and, in later responses directed toward Johnson's Twitter followers, contained inflammatory remarks about gays. In a reference to someones profile picture, Johnson called it a "fag pic" and called the person a "Christopher street boy," a reference to a predominantly gay section in New Yorks Greenwich Village. Johnson's Twitter profile was taken private and some posts were deleted. On Monday in the Chiefs locker room, Johnson used another gay slur after saying he wouldn't speak to reporters. Johnson, sitting next to second-year running back Jamaal Charles, told reporters that "I'm not talking till Thursday," his usual day of speaking with reporters. Then Johnson turned away and whispered. "Get your faggot ass out of here," he said.

Nice, bro. Real nice. You can't just go around dropping the "fag" bomb anymore. It's not 1994 when we thought they were the reason for the HIV virus. They're real people now with human emotions I guess. Probably shouldn't expect much though from a guy who makes a habit of spitting in chicks faces. You might say he lacks a little something donny baseball calls "class." But props to guy whoever got LJ to tweet back. I've been trying to get Jimmy Fallon and Obama to react to my hateful messages for the past 3 months. Whatever. Scott Boucher won't even fucking tweet me back. I guess he's a Christopher Street boy.

P.S. That picture is not from this year. #27 has yet to score a touchdown this year. Or win a game.

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