Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh yeah, it's been a while.

Hey there boys and girls, I'm back. Took a little detour to this thing called Syracuse University, and let me tell you, it's fucking cold up here. High of 43 on Thursday and Friday with snow showers probable. Anyway, this might be one of the greatest comebacks of all time. My return to the world of the blog is more historic than Jim and Pam's wedding. And that was legendary status at the minimum.

Here are my top five comebacks, all of which aren't as important as mine:

5. Kevin Federline: I know what you're thinking, when did this guy make a comeback? And the answer is, he didn't. I'm just looking to the future. Now that he has sole custody of whatever monsters he and Britney created, I think he will rise to the top. He might even get his own tv show telling people how to be a good father. It would be like the Brady Bunch but with more divorce, more drugs, and more booze. I'm intrigued.

4. Greg Paulus: From a mediocre point guard to a worse quarterback, you have to love the man's determination. It was only logical to assume that he could win the Heisman here at Syracuse having not played football for four years. His love-hate-sex relationship with Coach K really reduced his mobility in the pocket if you catch my drift. Midnight Madness is Friday night. Thank the world.

3. Obesity: This one might actually be considered a great comeback, or a gradual pants widening revolution. I don't think anything else in the world has the ability to inspire like obesity does. Every Sunday when I have to see Tony Siragusa parading around on the sideline I know that he weighs 250 pounds more than I will ever weigh. And that just motivates me to exercise. I feel the same way about Kevin from The Office.

2. Tupac: Yeah, I think he's still out there. Actually, I think he has been reincarnated as every new rapper out there. He is purposely sabotaging every recording made by Drake, Lil Jon, Rick Ross, and the Yin Yang Twins. Through their horrific collections of sound that they call hip-hop, he is just showing how much the world has lost since his death.

1. Dylan Sellberg: Ever since he moved to Tampa, I forgot he existed. He goes to Tampa Bay Rays games. It doesn't get much gayer than that, oh wait, he goes to Buccaneer games. Last I checked, Tim Orie played quarterback for them. Dylan won't show his face on this blog ever again. I guarantee it. When he comes home from Florida, I bet he brings Elian Gonzalez with him. Yup, bet you had to think about the fuck that kid was.

It feels good to be home.

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