Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brett Favre Does His Best Ari Gold Impression

Brett can come out and say that this game was about winning and not about getting revenge but that's bullshit. The Pack forced him into a retirement and then wouldn't let him return because they felt he didn't have any gas left in the tank. And you finally get a shot at your former team who pissed all over your reputation and you're going to act all week like it's just another game? Fuck that. Maybe it's because I have a bit of an attitude or always walk around with a chimp on my shoulder but I know I have a list of people who will get the noise when I finally make something of myself. And I can't fucking wait. Walk up to me like we're all good friends just so I can look those pricks in the eyes and say the two most satisfying words in the english language. Fuck. You. And it's just not guys. It's bitches too. I'm not kidding. I have a list of people just like Earl. Except I don't want to fix my mistakes. I want to make them feel like the biggest piece of shit even if it's just for a second.

Yes, I would like to gauge Dave Schur's eye balls for what he did to me.

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