Monday, October 5, 2009

Adrian Peterson; Best RB Ever? 87% Yes. This Title Making Any Sense? .5%.

Police said clerks at a convenience store that was robbed twice in recent months threw money at a man in a case of a mistaken robbery.The clerks at Five Star Snacks and More thought they were being robbed last Thursday when they were confronted by a rambling man who had his hand in his pocket. Police Capt. John Beckman said the clerks put money in a bag and threw it the man, who left it alone and walked out of the store. Police said the man was drunk and the robbery suspicions were a mistake.

Now you know why every drunk man must stop at a gas station if he passes it in his travels. Not to get some late night munchies. You go in there with that sliver of hope that the store clerks are going to be so jumpy that they'll throw everything but that kitchen sink at you if you whisper some sweet nothings across the counter. I think the best part of this story is that the guy didn't even realize he just got a bag of money thrown at him. It's actually quite refreshing. Just wants to let the world know that he isn't some kind of charity case.

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