Saturday, October 24, 2009

Well That's Shitty.

A man in Japan claims a hospital misdiagnosed his cancer and unnecessarily gave him an artificial rectum. The man underwent surgery in March at a hospital in western Miyazaki to remove the tumor, the Mainichi Daily reported. But his doctor told the man, whose age and name were not reported, that a later examination found no cancer cells in the removed tissue, the report said. The man, who now has an artificial rectum, is demanding $416,171 in compensation, the report said citing the complaint filed with the Miyazaki District Court. "We realize the complaint has been filed,'' a hospital official said. "We will take appropriate action after examining the case.''

Bahahahahahaha. I bet this doctor feels like a real asshole. And I bet the patient is dare I say it, Bummed?

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