Monday, October 19, 2009

This guy likes to party

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Jeff Reed has been cited by city police for public intoxication and disorderly conduct outside a bar a couple of blocks from where the team beat the Cleveland Browns a few hours earlier. Police say Reed was cited outside McFadden's Bar about 9 p.m. Sunday. This is Reed's second brush with the law this year. He paid $543 in fines and restitution after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and criminal mischief for damaging a paper towel dispenser in a convenience store bathroom in New Alexandria in February.

Jeff Reed is just a party animal. has this guy doing all kinds of crazy shit, as demonstrated above. I can't really blame him. It must be embarrassing to not get poon just becuase you are the kicker. So he drinks himself into a stupor and goes freaking wild. You know what I mean, he is "that guy" at every party. The one that people tell their friends about the next day. And you know when he broke that paper towel dispenser he was looking for a condemn to destroy the rest of some underage girl's life. That's how the Steelers roll. Just ask Big Ben. Yeah, I went there. He's gonna get the Kobe treatment from me until I see that the rape stain (no pun intended) has dried up.

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