Sunday, October 18, 2009

Let's Recap This Weekend

1) Loved Jimmy Clausen's tenacity on Saturday. Realized that Matt Barkely was younger than me. Spent the next 5 hours wondering where the last 6 years of my life went.

2) 5 TD passes in one quarter. 59 to 0. Tom Terrific. Do I really need to say anything more? I understand that the Titans are equal to like Rutgers but that's no excuse in the NFL. You're getting paid money to not make a fool of yourself on national television. I was actually more pissed at the fact that they pulled #12 in the 3rd quarter. I was really looking forward to ESPN and pricks like Ron Jaworski discussing how unclassy the Patriots are. I guess we'll be stuck with another week of Brett Favre getting his dick polished by the boys over in Bristol.

3) Giants got the shit kicked out of them. I don't really care. You ever notice how Giants fans always like to talk shit when the Pats lose but Pats fans don't really give a fuck what the Giants do? I mean I get that we gave them a superbowl and they might feel like they didn't actually earn it. Last I checked the Jets were in our division though. Not the giants. Are New York fans really that insecure that they have to bust on our teams whenever they have a shot. I'll wait for Rocco Mancini to tell me that the Revolution are having an off year or that the Celtics lost a preseason game 2 weeks ago.

4) I hate the fucking Jets. 5 interceptions from Mark Sanchez. You can't tell me that he's not thinking about Sean Avery banging his ex-girlfriend. That'll kill a man. Trust me.

5) Yanks up 2-0 in the series. Have fun celebrating your store bought world series.

6) For Tom Brady, I'd turn my back against the world cause he is my girl.

7) ESPN told me to bench Phillip Rivers and start Hasselbeck. Yeah, that fucking worked out for me. 0 fantasy points.

8) Chris Collinsworth just said, "The snow woke tom brady up today." I love accidental drugs references.

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