Monday, October 19, 2009

Jared Allen Responds

After Sunday's game between the Vikings and Ravens, Baltimore rookie tackle Michael Oher had some surprising words regarding a certain mullet-headed, crazy-ass, calf-roping defensive end named Jared Allen. "There is nothing really special about him," Oher said. "I think he found out I'm an OK player. Guy makes like $100 million. I think I did all right." Allen responded during Monday's After Party on, with Jay Glazer. "Well that's just some idiot trying to talk himself up," Allen said. "I beat that dude like a red-headed stepchild, let's be honest. If he was so good why did they have to chip me all day? Ask him that. "That's just a rookie trying to build his self-confidence up. Besides, you lost and your quarterback spent his whole day on the back of his head until the fourth quarter. That guy [Oher] will watch film today and realize. Everybody else in the world saw me abuse him."

Bahahahahaa. Oh, Jared Allen you crack me up. You know what else cracks me up? He's been arrested for DUI 3 times. Wait. That's not funny. Alcoholics are weak human beings. I also think people who need to take naps during the day are weak but that's a different post for a different day.

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