Monday, October 5, 2009

This Is The Post Where Everyone Can Make Fun Of Me

I guess it's a question of etiquette. Really more along the lines of loyalty though. Now, I love the Patriots. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find another guy who devotes more of their decision making based on how it would impact Tom Brady on sunday. I've been playing Madden for years now and the only team I can take to the promise land and not feel guilty about it is my guys from NE. And I'm not talking about doing a fantasy draft. Everyone knows you just pick the team with the coolest uniforms or best stadium and go from there. What I'm talking about is picking a franchise like the Vikings and playing a full season with them only to face the Pats in the championship game. Do I lose on purpose? And if I lose on purpose, does that lessen my integrity as a man? Or does playing with anyone but my own kind already make me a disgrace? I mean it's like I've been with the same team for 10 years now and a part of me wants to see other line ups. And I think as long as we have an understanding that we'll be back together in a short time then it makes it OK. Sometimes you just gotta go out there and get some strange ass only to realize that what you had was golden.

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