Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lebron James Has The Swine Flu

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- LeBron James and teammates Darnell Jackson and Coby Karl have tested positive for Influenza A, and are being treated as if they have the H1N1 virus.

This part of my life, this right here is called my prayers being answered. Might wanna wash those hands after you jerk Shaq off, 'bron-bron.I guess all that disinfectant lotion you used as lube didn't keep you from getting the equivalent of GAIDS(gay man aids). This is just further evidence that the Celtics are taking back what was rightfully theres this year. I don't see KG or Rondo getting the swine flu, or fucking getting married to the ugliest Kardashian. Yeah, you thought I was gonna let Lamar slide. Like I was actually going to forget to verbally assault a member of the Lakers. It's all part of the master plan. I waited for Lebron to get sick and now I can only hope that Dwight Howard breaks his pelvis in a fiery car crash that kills the entire Yankee squad and Boston will once again become the sports mecca of the world.

P.S. saw Chris Bosh play last night. That man is no joke.

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