Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ron Artest Is Single!

HOUSTON -- If LeBron James or Kobe Bryant are looking for a little help, Ron Artest is talking calls.The Rockets star forward, an unrestricted free agent, will consider a team's chances of winning an NBA championship when deciding where he'll bring his skills next season, his agent says. David Bauman said Wednesday that his client would like to return to Houston, but Artest would also think about signing with a contending team -- and that might rule out the Rockets if Yao Ming's broken left foot keeps him out for the season. Bauman wouldn't say which teams have contacted him about Artest. But he said he would expect Artest to talk to James and Bryant if the Cavaliers or Lakers teams were interested in him.

I've been a self proclaimed ron-ron lover for a while now. Once I saw him play for St. Johns I was completely sold on him. Kinda like the first time I saw the Thriller video except I fucking cried my eyes out. I will say that any team that doesn't go after this guy is foolish as fuck. Yeah, he's a little crazy but he's also a little bit nasty and in my world when you combine the crazy and nasty factor, you got yourself one freaky little bitch. Therefore, Artest is a beast. How can you not like a guy who is more than willing to play second fiddle and actually thrive off guarding the likes of Kobe and Lebron but then can also turn it on and be your #1 option on offense. I know a guy who would make defense his top priority and was also a little savvy on the other end of the floor and his name was Michael Jeffrey Jordan. Did I just compare Ron Artest to MJ? Uhh I don't know, is the fucking king of pop dead? Yes. Open your mind and close your legs people.

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