Friday, July 17, 2009

If David Beckham Returns To The MLS But Not a Soul Is There To See It, Did It Happen?

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- David Beckham returned to Major League Soccer with a whisper, not a shout.Playing in a stadium nearly three-quarters empty, the star midfielder was slow and had little role in the Los Angeles Galaxy's 3-1 victory over the New York Red Bulls on Thursday night."The most important thing is for us to get three points, and tonight we did that in style," Beckham said.In his first club match since the Italian League's season finale on May 31, Beckham was often behind the play and seemed winded. He had no free-kick chances near the goal, didn't make any crosses that created threats and didn't even take all the Galaxy corner kicks while he was in the match.Fans scurried down the aisles to get better pictures when he did take corner kicks, but he was booed at times."A few tonight, but it's to be expected," he said. "It's sometimes nice to get the boos." "Obviously the first year was impressive," Beckham said. "We're in a recession so, you know, maybe that's part of it." Beckham appeared to go out of his way to be friendly with Donovan, who in a book out this week criticized his teammate as unprofessional for allegedly quitting on the Galaxy in the late stages of a disappointing 2008 season.Beckham and Donovan, who regained his captain's job from the Englishman, shook hands and embraced ahead of the opening whistle. Beckham draped his arm around Donovan after the American scored, and the two hugged after Donovan assisted on the third goal.

I love David Beckham but make no mistake about it, he is the biggest fraud in American sports. You can sit him right next to the likes of A-roid and Kobe Bryant. Oh and every single guy you know who is a Lakers fan but never left this side of the Mississippi. The common thread here is that every single one of these people would sell you out at the drop of a hat. I don't care if it would be better for the team if I reconcile on the field with a guy like Donovan. If he has the AUDACITY to talk shit about me while I'm over boning whores in Italy then that dude is gonna catch a smack when I bring my romping ass back to the US of A. On the flip side, When did Beckham decide he can start referring to himself as "we"? I wasn't aware that the highest paid player in the MLS was in the middle of a recession. No, I wasn't aware that he became a US citizen. My granddaddy didn't go across the pond and start slamming gooks to make sure a bunch of wealthy brits can call themselves apart of the greatest nation in the world just because we're signing his paycheck. So what's the moral of the story? Grow a set man. You're playing in the right city I guess. Let me know when you, Gasol, Kobe and Manny have you're tampon party.

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