Thursday, July 30, 2009

Barack Obama Is So Fucking Cool.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama shared a beer Thursday at the White House with Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the man who arrested him, Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge, Massachusetts, police department. Sgt. James Crowley and professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. sat down with the president and vice president Thursday. Crowley and Gates, both dressed in suits, sat down with Obama and Biden, who both had their white dress shirt sleeves rolled up. Before the four men gathered at the White House, spokesman Robert Gibbs downplayed expectations for Thursday night's "Beer Summit," saying President Obama "is not going to announce anything" in terms of initiatives to address racial profiling and would not speak to reporters when they are briefly let in to take pictures of the confab. "You won't hear from the president," Gibbs said Thursday afternoon. "You won't hear from the glass of beer."Gibbs said the president simply hoped "this will help foster a dialogue" by bringing the men together.

Seriously. How can anyone not get along with this guy? He drinks, smokes, and I'm sure he fucks like a god damn bull. Just a man's man. Rather than let this incident spiral out of control, he invites the two boston boys to his crib to have a couple brews and settle this thing like mature adults. No more airing greivences through the media, just a straight civilized discussion. I just wanna know what other tricks he has up his sleeve. I don't what else to say. I used to think Bush would be the one guy I'd like to have a beer with at a bar but now it's not even a contest. Hands down, Barack Hussein Obama.

Oh Yeah. You know the only reason Biden was invited was so it didn't look like 2 brotha's ganging up on a lonely mick cop.

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