Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Think It's Safe To Say We All Saw This Coming.

Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz were among the 104 major league players listed as having tested positive for performance-enhancing substances in 2003, lawyers with knowledge of the results told The New York Times. The two were key members of the Boston Red Sox World Series championship teams in 2004 and 2007. The lawyers did not name the substances Ramirez and Ortiz tested positive for, The Times reported. On Thursday, before the Red Sox-Athletics game at Fenway Park, when Ortiz was asked about the 2003 drug test, he told The Times: "I'm not talking about that anymore," he said. "I have no comment."

I'm gonna save everyone the swan song and get right into it. Unless these fellas tested positive in 2004 or 2007 then I really don't give a shit. Yes, I was upset when I first heard this report and understandably so but in no way was I even close to being shocked. I mean just look at the big man. You just gotta face the sad fact that everyone was on the juice before testing got real tight. The drugs might have enhanced his performance but that noise doesn't pull that clutch shit out of you like it did in 2004 down 3 games to none. And now I'm just waiting for the Yankee fans to jump on my cock, saying how I'd be going off the wall right now if one of their own got caught cheating. Well I'm sorry I'm better than that. I'm over A-roid. Papi and ManRam liked the juice and the king of pop is dead. So goes life.

P.S. Ortiz just hit a go ahead homer in the 8th. How does our ass taste?

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