Thursday, July 23, 2009

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger vowed Thursday to fight a Lake Tahoe casino hostess' rape allegations against him, calling them "false and vicious." Roethlisberger was served with a civil lawsuit last weekend when he returned to Lake Tahoe, where Andrea McNulty, 31, alleges the quarterback raped her in a hotel penthouse in July 2008. Roethlisberger was in Nevada on both occasions to compete in a celebrity golf event.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. This guy is going to fight the law suit, but he thought it was okay to keep drilling this chick when she was fighting it? Doesn't make sense to me. Granted, the man is huge and he's probably packing heat, but leave the girl alone. I read a story today that said she went to 5 months of therapy to get the issue out of her mind and make her feel less ashamed. He must have asbolutely destroyed this poor girl. I'm sorry but even Hines Ward felt bad after this, and we know him and Big Ben have a thing. Wee Willie Parker, watch your back on the running back draw. Big Ben is hungry.

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