Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lebron gets help in Cleveland....oh wait, nevermind

The Cleveland Cavaliers have continued their offseason remodeling by signing restricted free agent Jamario Moon to an offer sheet. Full details of the offer sheet are unlikely to be known until Monday, when the contract is submitted to the league office. But sources said that the deal signed Friday which Heat officials confirmed after an report earlier Sunday -- spans two guaranteed years.

I mean, this really doesn't matter, but the dude played for the Globetrotters for crying out loud. If you go through all of that just to make it to the NBA, you deserve a medal. Plus, I liked all the jokes about Michael Phelps smoking pot at the ESPYs tonight. That has nothing to do with the rest of this post, but I love Samuel L. He would kick your ass, and you know it.

Listen to the announcer after number one. That is why I want to be a broadcaster: to kick that guys ass.

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