Sunday, July 12, 2009

Are You Fat? No. But Could You Afford To Drop a Few Lbs? Ehhh Yes.

Milan have put Brazilian ace Ronaldinho on a strict diet, hoping he will lose at least four kilograms between now and the beginning of the season in August, according to Il Corriere Dello Sport. ‘Dinho’ returned to action on Monday afternoon for pre-season at Milanello and he has been working hard and with intensity. The report suggests the player is currently overweight and both Leonardo and athletic coach Daniele Tognaccini have devised a special exercise programme for the Brazilian so he can shift the extra pounds and be ready in time for next term. Furthermore, it is suggested the player put on more weight during his summer holiday.

Way to take control of your lifestyle there 'dinho. I get it. You wanna go out every night, drink your beers, dance your dance and smack a couple broads in the snatch. But it's all about balance my friend. You don't see me gaining 30 pounds every off season. Oh, that's right. There is no off season because every damn day of my life is dedicated to bringing the fucking noise. Regardless, I dare anyone to tell me that Ronny is not still one of the greatest players in the world. Full belly or not. It's just means there is more for him to love and we should feel honored.No, privileged. No, blessed.

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