Thursday, July 9, 2009

Landon Donovan Just Dropped 5 Points On My Respect Chart

Landon Donovan isn't backing down from what he said about David Beckham's performance as a teammate last season with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

But the U.S. national team star does regret that he didn't go to Beckham with his concerns first, the Los Angeles Times reported. "I'm not going to apologize for the way I felt," Donovan said, according to the Times. "What I feel badly about is that I should have been a man and told David how I felt as opposed to telling a reporter." In Sports Illustrated writer Grant Wahl's new book, "The Beckham Experiment," due to be released Tuesday, Donovan was quoted as questioning Beckham's effort and commitment to the team.

I'm the type of guy to call a square a square and a circle a circle. So I'm a little perplexed on Landon's critical thinking here. I was oblivious to the fact that Landon didn't speak to Becks first and I'm a little hurt. He just made all of America look bad. Oh. Wait. No one cares about soccer in the US besides me? Oh well. Anyway. Grow a set man. Don't sit on your thoughts for 6 months then go tell a reporter about your feelings because you both hold a grudge against a great european player who has too much talent for your patchwork league. I mean I understand if you hate the motherfucker because he's been having sex on the reg, getting drunk on the reg, and fucking having good times on the reg. But at the very least, talk to him. Just remember that initiating conversation is the half the battle. The rest is a cake walk.

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