Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lance Armstrong Wanted to WIn Until He Started Losing.

Waiting for Lance Armstrong to make his move and win the Tour de France? Don't hold your breath. Armstrong is a seven-time Tour winner, but now, as a 37-year-old in the midst of a comeback for the ages, Armstrong's standing in this year's Tour - second place overall, and 1:37 behind the leader, heading into Tuesday's 16th stage - should put him in line to make a run at an unprecedented eighth yellow jersey. Except it almost certainly won't. Armstrong, barring unforeseen circumstances, says he will follow in the grand, albeit odd traditions of the Tour de France and yield to the current owner of the yellow jersey, his Astana teammate, Alberto Contador. "There is a code in cycling that goes as far back as the first race: That the strongest man on the team is the leader and the rest of the team is there to help the leader," said Bill Strickland, co-author - with Armstrong's longtime team leader Johan Bruyneel - of "We Might As Well Win: On the Road to Success with the Mastermind Behind a Record-Setting Eight Tour de France Victories." "Lance is a man of honor," said Strickland.

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