Tuesday, July 28, 2009

#4 Isn't Coming Back. Yet.

After nearly three months of what he described as intense and often emotional soul-searching, Brett Favre decided to remain retired from the NFL rather than become the Minnesota Vikings' starting quarterback. Favre told ESPN's Ed Werder that the decision not to play for the Vikings was incredibly difficult, and in the process he indicated that he is unlikely to ever considering playing again in the NFL. "It was the hardest decision I've ever made," Favre said. "I didn't feel like physically I could play at a level that was acceptable. I would like to thank everyone, including the Packers, Jets and Vikings -- but, most importantly, the fans.

I'm so sick of people falling out of love. First Reggie and the girl who made a sex-tape with Ray-j break up and now Brett is calling it quits with the game. Does true love even exist anymore? You can walk around any town and smile at the old couples and how they look so happy but this is a new era. It's becoming the social norm for people to get hopped up enough to make some decisions, fall in love and then break up without giving it the real college try. Call me old school but I believe a man should be faithful, walk when not able and fight till the end. But I guess we're only human. It just seems all anyone wants to do these days is rent your bed and in the morning they'll kick you in the head. Thanks for leading us on buddy. A sad day for football, indeed.

P.S. I had a vision of where this blog post could go but then I got up to make a bagel and rub my cat's belly. I then awoke hours later in a daze.

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