Friday, July 31, 2009

What Up V-Mart?

CLEVELAND -- The Boston Red Sox got the big bat they were looking for, acquiring All-Star slugger Victor Martinez from the Cleveland Indians on Friday. The rebuilding Indians received right-hander Justin Masterson and minor league pitchers Nick Hagadone and Bryan Price. The trade came shortly before the 4 p.m. ET deadline to complete deals without waivers.

Well thank God we got the corner infielder with the big bat and more pitching help. Oh. Wait. We traded away one of our top pitching prospects for a 30 year old catcher/first baseman who had an awful year in 2008. It would be one thing if we shored up our catching situation for the next 5 years with 'Tek on the steady decline but even that's suspect now. Awesome. I love this fucking deal. Call me old school or full of common sense but you can't win without loads of pitching in the playoffs. I don't agree with trading Bucholz and Bard for Halladay but I also don't like giving away Masterson and 2 other potentially great pitchers for Martinez. I just really had my heart set on Adrian Gonzalez. Now that's a guy I would be fine with giving away Bucholz and Bard for. Anyway. I'm not saying it's a terrible deal but I don't think we took 5 steps toward another ring either.


Getting geared up for a brand new season of supernatural excitement, Hayden Panettiere was spotted on the set of “Heroes” yesterday (July 29). The “I Love You Beth Cooper” cutie looked to be having a good day as she chatted with crewmembers during a break in filming.

I can deal with the late night's out on the town and the parading around with a new hunk on your arm every night. That's just the nature of the beast I guess. I would have even been willing to work things out but no more. Baby girl is a yankees fan? On my darkest day as a sox fan, with my hero falling to the perils of steroid use, you're going to look all cute and sexy in a fucking yankees shirt? I can usually get over a few flaws for a pretty girl but I cross the line at smoking, and wearing a yankees shirt. I just don't know we go from here. I wanted to the picket fence, the ketchup fights with the kids, the tickling and cuddling, the whole 9 yards. Life just really knows how to kick me when I'm down.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What did I just do??

Hawaii football coach Greg McMackin used a homosexual slur in describing a dance performed by Notre Dame players at a banquet prior to the teams' meeting in the 2008 Hawaii Bowl. McMackin, speaking Thursday at the Western Athletic Conference media day in Salt Lake City, said each team came together for a cheer, and the Fighting Irish did a "little f----- dance" for Hawaii. The Warriors then performed a shaka, which is a traditional Hawaiian greeting gesture. After using the slur, McMackin asked media in attendance not to report on it, then made a fumbling attempt at an apology. After departing the interview room, he later returned to apologize to reporters.

Well, this is what really happend: Coach McMackin was all fired about Charlie Weiss' Irish so he called them a bunch of faggots. Everyone laughed, everyone was going crazy. Then he walked out of the room and a group of about 12 people looked at him and said, "Do you know what you just said on national television?" They showed him the tape, and he came right back out and apologized. That's a quicker turnaround than Ellen Degeneres had in the sexual preference department. Was that uncalled for? I really don't think she is that funny. Her show is stupid, and I dislike how all of her audience thinks she is the coolest thing since Rosie O'Donnell. Remember her? She was the original lesbian talk show host. Ellen is like the knock-off brand. The Landon Donovan to my David Beckham, if you will. It's just not the same. But as for this coach, I think its fine if he wants to call Notre Dame a bunch of queers. Jimmy Clausen plays like one, and Charlie Weiss looks like he has eaten three. This was a great comeback post, I feel good.

Barack Obama Is So Fucking Cool.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama shared a beer Thursday at the White House with Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the man who arrested him, Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge, Massachusetts, police department. Sgt. James Crowley and professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. sat down with the president and vice president Thursday. Crowley and Gates, both dressed in suits, sat down with Obama and Biden, who both had their white dress shirt sleeves rolled up. Before the four men gathered at the White House, spokesman Robert Gibbs downplayed expectations for Thursday night's "Beer Summit," saying President Obama "is not going to announce anything" in terms of initiatives to address racial profiling and would not speak to reporters when they are briefly let in to take pictures of the confab. "You won't hear from the president," Gibbs said Thursday afternoon. "You won't hear from the glass of beer."Gibbs said the president simply hoped "this will help foster a dialogue" by bringing the men together.

Seriously. How can anyone not get along with this guy? He drinks, smokes, and I'm sure he fucks like a god damn bull. Just a man's man. Rather than let this incident spiral out of control, he invites the two boston boys to his crib to have a couple brews and settle this thing like mature adults. No more airing greivences through the media, just a straight civilized discussion. I just wanna know what other tricks he has up his sleeve. I don't what else to say. I used to think Bush would be the one guy I'd like to have a beer with at a bar but now it's not even a contest. Hands down, Barack Hussein Obama.

Oh Yeah. You know the only reason Biden was invited was so it didn't look like 2 brotha's ganging up on a lonely mick cop.

I Think It's Safe To Say We All Saw This Coming.

Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz were among the 104 major league players listed as having tested positive for performance-enhancing substances in 2003, lawyers with knowledge of the results told The New York Times. The two were key members of the Boston Red Sox World Series championship teams in 2004 and 2007. The lawyers did not name the substances Ramirez and Ortiz tested positive for, The Times reported. On Thursday, before the Red Sox-Athletics game at Fenway Park, when Ortiz was asked about the 2003 drug test, he told The Times: "I'm not talking about that anymore," he said. "I have no comment."

I'm gonna save everyone the swan song and get right into it. Unless these fellas tested positive in 2004 or 2007 then I really don't give a shit. Yes, I was upset when I first heard this report and understandably so but in no way was I even close to being shocked. I mean just look at the big man. You just gotta face the sad fact that everyone was on the juice before testing got real tight. The drugs might have enhanced his performance but that noise doesn't pull that clutch shit out of you like it did in 2004 down 3 games to none. And now I'm just waiting for the Yankee fans to jump on my cock, saying how I'd be going off the wall right now if one of their own got caught cheating. Well I'm sorry I'm better than that. I'm over A-roid. Papi and ManRam liked the juice and the king of pop is dead. So goes life.

P.S. Ortiz just hit a go ahead homer in the 8th. How does our ass taste?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This Is Why I'm Better Than ESPN

This is what happens when Favre finally retires and ESPN has no more dicks to suck on. I can't even begin to tell you how upset this fucking show makes me. I wonder if ESPN actually thinks that it's viewers are that stupid and bored and completely brain dead to sit down and watch this sad excuse for entertainment. You got this one cute broad who just lists off topics and comes up with smart remarks to spar with Colin Cowherd. I don't actually hate Cowherd though. I like his radio show and he kinda strikes me as a pompous asshole. Just my type. But let me just throw out out an example of what these two fuckbags are discussing right now. 'What would you do if a ball was hit to you and you were holding a baby?" Really? I'm sitting here trying to find out if Roy Halladay is coming to Boston and you're gonna shit like this on the #1 resource fans use for up to the minute sports news. In 20 years when every country is ions ahead of us I just want to make the case that it's because of a dumb fucking television show like this.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

#4 Isn't Coming Back. Yet.

After nearly three months of what he described as intense and often emotional soul-searching, Brett Favre decided to remain retired from the NFL rather than become the Minnesota Vikings' starting quarterback. Favre told ESPN's Ed Werder that the decision not to play for the Vikings was incredibly difficult, and in the process he indicated that he is unlikely to ever considering playing again in the NFL. "It was the hardest decision I've ever made," Favre said. "I didn't feel like physically I could play at a level that was acceptable. I would like to thank everyone, including the Packers, Jets and Vikings -- but, most importantly, the fans.

I'm so sick of people falling out of love. First Reggie and the girl who made a sex-tape with Ray-j break up and now Brett is calling it quits with the game. Does true love even exist anymore? You can walk around any town and smile at the old couples and how they look so happy but this is a new era. It's becoming the social norm for people to get hopped up enough to make some decisions, fall in love and then break up without giving it the real college try. Call me old school but I believe a man should be faithful, walk when not able and fight till the end. But I guess we're only human. It just seems all anyone wants to do these days is rent your bed and in the morning they'll kick you in the head. Thanks for leading us on buddy. A sad day for football, indeed.

P.S. I had a vision of where this blog post could go but then I got up to make a bagel and rub my cat's belly. I then awoke hours later in a daze.

Sox Making Moves.

Yahoo - The Boston Red Sox have offered at least three players – no-hit pitcher Clay Buchholz(notes), Triple-A pitching prospect Michael Bowden(notes) and top outfield prospect Ryan Westmoreland – to the Toronto Blue Jays for ace Roy Halladay(notes), according to a source with knowledge of the negotiations. Because the Blue Jays, who are vigorously shopping Marco Scutaro(notes), are also looking for a shortstop, the Red Sox may be trying to draw a third team into negotiations to satisfy Toronto’s need.

I might be one of the few who are not willing to lick cheese off Al Roker's ass in order to get Halladay. Yes, I'd like him and if the sox end up getting him then you can me down for a dime spot on us taking home the trophy this year. Just think about going into the playoffs and staring at a rotation that had Beckett, Halladay and Lester locking you down for 3 games. I just wet myself. What I think Theo has to ask himself is irf the juice is worth the squeeze. Bucholz has good stuff. I'm not saying he's on the level of untouchable or anything but he has terrific upside. However, last time I checked you take proven talent over great potential.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm So Sick Of Love.

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush have split, reports.
Skip over this content
Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush

Skip over this content Her rep confirmed the news to Us, and a source gives a few details on the breakup.
"Nobody cheated. This is just a case of conflicting schedules and their lives going in different directions," the source explains. The reality star and the pro-football player began dating back in April of 2007.

I used to have a lot of respect for Reggie Bush. Then he started dating the sloppy seconds of the guy who sang Sexy Can I. I think when people start noticing you more because you were on Keeping Up With The Kardashians rather than the fact that you're the most overrated running back in the league it's time to call it quits from the lights and cameras for a bit.

Hey, Remember When That Guy Went To Jail For Being a Piece of Shit? Well He's Back.

NEW YORK -- Michael Vick is back in the NFL. Now all he needs is a team to play for. Vick, free after serving 18 months in prison for running a dogfighting ring, was reinstated with conditions by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday. Vick can immediately take part in preseason practices, workouts and meetings and can play in the final two preseason games -- if he can find a team that will sign him. A number of teams have already said they would not. Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activities except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by Week 6 (Oct. 18-19) at the latest.

Listen, I'm not saying this guy should be punished for life and he shouldn't be able to make a living. But he shouldn't get the opportunity to have another shot at the life he pissed away by killing dogs. What kind of message are we sending to the youth? If you're young and talented you can fuck up and then just get it back 4 years later. I just don't know where this Goodell character lies on the line of morality. He pretty much kicks Pacman Jones out of the NFL for having a good time and causing no real harm except smacking a couple strippers with dollar bills. And that shouldn't even matter because strippers aren't real people. They're whores. I'm just lost right now. There's a good chance I'm still drunk from my 3 day boozed fueled bender.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger vowed Thursday to fight a Lake Tahoe casino hostess' rape allegations against him, calling them "false and vicious." Roethlisberger was served with a civil lawsuit last weekend when he returned to Lake Tahoe, where Andrea McNulty, 31, alleges the quarterback raped her in a hotel penthouse in July 2008. Roethlisberger was in Nevada on both occasions to compete in a celebrity golf event.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. This guy is going to fight the law suit, but he thought it was okay to keep drilling this chick when she was fighting it? Doesn't make sense to me. Granted, the man is huge and he's probably packing heat, but leave the girl alone. I read a story today that said she went to 5 months of therapy to get the issue out of her mind and make her feel less ashamed. He must have asbolutely destroyed this poor girl. I'm sorry but even Hines Ward felt bad after this, and we know him and Big Ben have a thing. Wee Willie Parker, watch your back on the running back draw. Big Ben is hungry.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is This The Scariest Bitch On Cable TV?

As if Nyc Prep didn't make you hate anyone who is remotely wealthy, she just puts icing on the cake. And in no way did I mean that sexually.

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Tony Romo blew it

I don't have time for a full post this morning, so I'll leave you with a half-chub. Expect better things when I get home from work tonight.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lance Armstrong Wanted to WIn Until He Started Losing.

Waiting for Lance Armstrong to make his move and win the Tour de France? Don't hold your breath. Armstrong is a seven-time Tour winner, but now, as a 37-year-old in the midst of a comeback for the ages, Armstrong's standing in this year's Tour - second place overall, and 1:37 behind the leader, heading into Tuesday's 16th stage - should put him in line to make a run at an unprecedented eighth yellow jersey. Except it almost certainly won't. Armstrong, barring unforeseen circumstances, says he will follow in the grand, albeit odd traditions of the Tour de France and yield to the current owner of the yellow jersey, his Astana teammate, Alberto Contador. "There is a code in cycling that goes as far back as the first race: That the strongest man on the team is the leader and the rest of the team is there to help the leader," said Bill Strickland, co-author - with Armstrong's longtime team leader Johan Bruyneel - of "We Might As Well Win: On the Road to Success with the Mastermind Behind a Record-Setting Eight Tour de France Victories." "Lance is a man of honor," said Strickland.

Big Ben Pulls a Kobe

A woman claims Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger lured her into a hotel room, then sexually assaulted her, according to a new lawsuit. Andrea McNulty claims in her civil lawsuit filed in Washoe County, Nevada, this year's Super Bowl winner asked her to come to his hotel room in July, 2008 -- and then forced her to have sex with him. McNulty -- an employee at the Harrah's Hotel in Lake Tahoe -- is suing for sexual assault and battery, false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress. Ben denies all of McNulty's allegations. Roethlisberger's lawyer told, "The timing of the lawsuit and the absence of a criminal complaint and a criminal investigation are the most compelling evidence of the absence of any criminal conduct."

And by 'pulling a kobe' I mean that he raped some poor, innocent hotel employee and will probably end up paying her off to keep her mouth shut. You also wont find this story all over ESPN. Now, if he was on the Patriots I can guarantee you that this guy would already be on trial, convicted of 19 felonies and facing the gas chamber. But you know what? That would never happen. Because unlike most scumbag athletes, The New England Patriots Dynasty teaches its players to be professionals on and off the field. Not only do we have the greatest QB to ever play the game but he is also the greatest human being to ever grace mankind. While those others are out assaulting women, we're in the training room busy winning another ring. And after that we go home to our supermodel wives and have a skotch on the rocks. Straight not gay.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Create Billion Backlink

Who is blogger does not interest with backlink? Backlink as like as a sexy and cute women for blogger. We do a great effort for creating and getting a high number of backlink.Why backlink so important?As i wrote on my previus posting with title Get Backlink From Dofollow Blog. Yup if we have a lot of backlink to our blog or site, it can increasing our google pagerank. And so why google pagerank so important?High Pagerank will make our blog have a good visibility and position on google searching. Appears on the first page of searching result. Beside that a lot of web program offers good opportunity and pay us for join as publisher or as a reviewer.

I was observe all tecnique for getting a lot of backlink that blogger do. They always searching dofollow site, make a comment on dofollow blog, post on article dofollow submision.Mostly like that.

And now i want to sare tha good way for increasing our backlink with cross factor. Using logical mathematic. With this tecnique you can create a billion backlink. With easy and simple way.

How we have to do.
Its very easy. You just copy this link below on your blog or site.

2. Republika
3. Rizkythea
4. Indra Budiman
5. Banten
6. Urang Banten
7. Portal Informasi Banten
8. Komunitas Urang Pandeglang
9. Get Backlink From Dofollow Blog
10. ML Backlink

Important and should have to do.Remove the link on number one.So link on no 2 up to be no 1, no 3 up to be no 2 and so on.Put your link on no 10.Example

Before :
2. Republika
3. Rizkythea
4. Indra Budiman
5. Banten
6. Urang Banten
7. Portal Informasi Banten
8. Komunitas Urang Pandeglang
9. Get Backlink From Dofollow Blog
10. ML Backlink

1. Republika
2. Rizkythea
3. Indra Budiman
4. Banten
5. Urang Banten
6. Portal Informasi Banten
7. Komunitas Urang Pandeglang
8. Get Backlink From Dofollow Blog
9. ML Backlink
10. Your Link Here

If each participant is able to take or invite only 5 people, the number of backlink that is obtained will like bellow

When you position on 10, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, Num of backlink = 5
Position 8, Num backlink = 25
Position 7, Num backlink = 125
Position 6, Num backlink = 625
Position 5, Num backlink = 3.125
Position 4, Num backlink = 15.625
Position 3, Num backlink = 78.125
Position 2, Num backlink = 390.625
Position 1, Num backlink = 1,953,12

And all use keywords that you want. ASsyou can see you can create 1,953,120 backlink.That will effect to your blog visitor.

Please copy and paste this article on your blog, and remove the number 1 and add your web link in position 10. Remember, you must start from the position 10 so that get maximum results. Because if you sudently in position 1, the link will disappear once you have the entrance to the position 10.

We Have The Same Name. We're Obviously In Love.

This October, Kelly Hildebrandt will vow to share her life with a man who already shares her name. This is not a joke. Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, and Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24, expect just over 100 guests to attend a ceremony at the Lighthouse Point Yacht & Racquet Club in South Florida, where they will become husband and wife. "He is just everything that I've ever looked for," she said in an interview. "There's always been certain qualities that a guy has to have. And he has all the ones I could think of -- and more." Their modern romance was a match made in cyberspace. She was curious and bored one night last year, so she plugged her name into the popular social networking Web site Facebook just to see if anyone shared it.At the time, Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, was the only match. So she sent him a message. "She said 'Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool,'" Kelly Carl Hildebrandt said. "I thought she was pretty cute." But there were also concerns. "I thought, man, we've got to be related or something," he said. For the next three months the two exchanged e-mails. Before he knew it, occasional phone calls turned into daily chats, sometimes lasting hours. He visited her in Florida after a few months and "fell head over heels." "I thought it was fun," he said of that first online encounter. "I had no idea that it would lead to this." Months after Kelly Hildebrandt sent her first e-mail, she found a diamond engagement ring hidden in treasure box on a beach in December. "I totally think that it's all God's timing," Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said. "He planned it out just perfect." She's a student at a local community college. He works in financial services. They plan to make their home in South Florida.

The other day I was pumping gas and this fellow comes up to me and says, "hey man, what happened to all the news stories you used to post? You're losing your edge. I'm sick of reading about Beckham. You're starting to suck dicks just like him. " My response was simple. "I'm losing my edge? How 'bout I jump this car and smack you so hard in the vagina you're own mother wont be able to recognize you when you're on your back in the hospital. I'm gonna give a whole new meaning to fat lip" Yes, I was back. Now if this story doesn't warm you heart then I don't know what will. I'm not saying you should go google yourself. That's just a dangerous game. You don't wanna find out that the chick you smooched on that friday night in new haven is your cousins ex-husband's sister. Or that you and Mike Golic both wear underoos. You might as well just chalk it up to another heartbreak just like back in highschool. I digress. I wanna point out that "hey, we have the same name thought it was cool" has to be the perfect ice breaker in facebook history next to "you wanna come home?" Oh,When did America decide it was OK to name a man Kelly? Why don't you just rip his balls at birth, I say. I got nothing more to add except that I'll bet my first child that this marriage ends in 10 years. And you're gonna hope I'm wrong because my child is going to be absolutely stunning. STUNNING.

Oh, Hello!

Little word of advice. Make a V-cut in that dress, let those puppies breath. She likes Entourage. I like Entourage. She has Bette Davis eyes. An old lunch lady named Betty made very good chocolate chip cookies my freshman year. She listens to Kings of Leon. I listen to music that guys named Leon would probably prefer. Need I say more?

Celts Sign Daniels...........(Insert Witty Comment Here)

Free agent Marquis Daniels has committed to signing with the Celtics, according to a league source. Daniels, 28, will receive the biannual exception contract worth $1.9 million, unless a sign-and-trade deal can be worked out. Daniels, expected to be used as a backup for Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, averaged 13.6 points and 4.6 rebounds last season for Indiana. The Pacers declined to exercise their option on Daniels, which would have been worth $7.3 million next season. Daniels, who started his career in Dallas, had also been talking with the Mavericks, Charlotte, Houston, New York, and Orlando.

How the fuck is this not a bigger story? I mean I understand that ESPN has this anti-boston bias but even this had to come out. Like how am I just hearing about this today? And why is no one exited about it? Is Marquis Daniels the savior? Absolutely not but he is ten times better than the one legged man known as Tony Allen. Honestly, if I had to watch another season of Tony coming into a game at a crucial point and then have him turn the ball over 3, maybe 4 times I think I might personally blow out his other knee and keep him off the court forever. I really can't think of a weak point on this team. Call me crazy but I think Boston saw Orlando get silly by trading for Vince I'mplayingforapaycheck Carter and then LA signed Ron Watchmeselfdestruct Artest and said, "watch how a champion does business."We got a savvy veteran in Rasheed coming in to take the pressure of KG. Daniels boasting his 13 ppg to help out the truth and rayray.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lebron gets help in Cleveland....oh wait, nevermind

The Cleveland Cavaliers have continued their offseason remodeling by signing restricted free agent Jamario Moon to an offer sheet. Full details of the offer sheet are unlikely to be known until Monday, when the contract is submitted to the league office. But sources said that the deal signed Friday which Heat officials confirmed after an report earlier Sunday -- spans two guaranteed years.

I mean, this really doesn't matter, but the dude played for the Globetrotters for crying out loud. If you go through all of that just to make it to the NBA, you deserve a medal. Plus, I liked all the jokes about Michael Phelps smoking pot at the ESPYs tonight. That has nothing to do with the rest of this post, but I love Samuel L. He would kick your ass, and you know it.

Listen to the announcer after number one. That is why I want to be a broadcaster: to kick that guys ass.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Basic Of Search Engine Optimation On Blogspot

After absen for a view day at blogsphere becouse my job, have to finish a new web for pandeglang regency at Banten Province, today i will share a new post with the main topic basic of search engine optimation for blogspot/blogger and focus on seo on page.

There is many Basic knowledge should have to know for seo on page. Page on site always contain title, meta tags, heading,content, footer, image, internal link, url and site map.

Seo on page should we do in our pages to make our blog have standart of google searching so have a significant of indexing position.

Title or headline blog is important for seo on page becouse title will appear in seach engine when we search specific keyword. Title is must to include a keyword. Example: if you want to shoot a basic seo for blogger as your keyword so you have to include that keyword on your post title like this important of basic seo for blogger as your post title.Easy isn'it?

Meta tags
Meta tags is description of page on web or blog. Two important tags is Meta description and Meta keywords. Usualy put between tags <head> put here </head>.
How to put meta tags on page see the example bellow :
<meta content=' Description of your page' name='description'/>
<meta content='keyword1, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5, keyword6, keyword7' name='keywords'/>
<title>Title of posting</title>

Content determine our position on google. Almost of master seo said that word use italic,bold or underline more arrested by google. Well if you want to shoot a keyword such as the basics of SEO try to use bold, italics, and underline the word

Footer is the bottom of any posts from the Web or Blog , in this area is suggested to put keywords also

If your post content image. dont forget to put this code alt='keyword of you'
Example : <img scr='' alt='portal information of banten regency'/>

Internal Link
Internal Link is a link that leads to our web page. Make sure your internal links that use the keyword in each page

This is important for make your blog more visible at search engine. You can prove by your self. Please put a comment to make correction or adding new

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tiger Misses The Cut

TURNBERRY, Scotland -- For the first time in three years and the second in a major championship as a pro, Tiger Woods will not compete on the weekend. The world's No. 1 player missed the cut Friday at the British Open, shooting a 4-over 74 at Turnberry that had him headed back home to Florida on the same day that 59-year-old Tom Watson tied for the 36-hole lead. "Well, obviously it's disappointing, there's no doubt," said Woods, whose total of 5-over 145 missed the cut by a stroke. "I was playing well coming in, and today, unfortunately, I just didn't play certain holes well. I was playing the first seven holes dead into the wind. I was playing those holes well; I was 1-under par and just right there. And then unfortunately three holes right in a row and I was 4-over par."

Nothing but watered eyes and long sighs from this guy.

I Didn't Know Julio Lugo Was Even Still On The Sox.

Julio Lugo, who was plagued by injuries and ineffectiveness during his 2 1/2 seasons with the Red Sox, has been designated for assignment. The designation, which was confirmed by his agent, Sam Levinson, this afternoon, means the team has 10 days to either trade or release the veteran shortstop, who signed a four-year, $36-million deal with the Red Sox as a free agent before the 2007 season. “When you see a good looking girl, you get married and sometimes things don’t work out,” told the Boston Herald's Steve Buckley, who caught up to him at the airport in Toronto. “I gave it my best and unfortunately things didn’t work out. This is the best for both parties. I wanted it to work out but it didn’t.” "This was one of the free agent signings that doesn’t work out. We were paying for past performance, not current performance," Epstein said. "That’s the true definition of a mistake, and as the decision, that’s on me. We’ll just move on and be a better organization having gone through it, and we’ll make better decisions going forward."

Well that was fun. I don't think Theo could have slapped Lugo in the face any more than he just did. He didn't even try to put a decent spin on it. He straight up said he was paying for Michael Jackson's Thriller and the most he got out of the deal were 2 hit songs and child molestation trial. It's OK, Julio. Everyone makes mistakes.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I got 5 dollars that says the sneaky white man to the right wasn't supposed to be in this picture.

Happy Friday. Go Fuck Yourself.

If David Beckham Returns To The MLS But Not a Soul Is There To See It, Did It Happen?

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- David Beckham returned to Major League Soccer with a whisper, not a shout.Playing in a stadium nearly three-quarters empty, the star midfielder was slow and had little role in the Los Angeles Galaxy's 3-1 victory over the New York Red Bulls on Thursday night."The most important thing is for us to get three points, and tonight we did that in style," Beckham said.In his first club match since the Italian League's season finale on May 31, Beckham was often behind the play and seemed winded. He had no free-kick chances near the goal, didn't make any crosses that created threats and didn't even take all the Galaxy corner kicks while he was in the match.Fans scurried down the aisles to get better pictures when he did take corner kicks, but he was booed at times."A few tonight, but it's to be expected," he said. "It's sometimes nice to get the boos." "Obviously the first year was impressive," Beckham said. "We're in a recession so, you know, maybe that's part of it." Beckham appeared to go out of his way to be friendly with Donovan, who in a book out this week criticized his teammate as unprofessional for allegedly quitting on the Galaxy in the late stages of a disappointing 2008 season.Beckham and Donovan, who regained his captain's job from the Englishman, shook hands and embraced ahead of the opening whistle. Beckham draped his arm around Donovan after the American scored, and the two hugged after Donovan assisted on the third goal.

I love David Beckham but make no mistake about it, he is the biggest fraud in American sports. You can sit him right next to the likes of A-roid and Kobe Bryant. Oh and every single guy you know who is a Lakers fan but never left this side of the Mississippi. The common thread here is that every single one of these people would sell you out at the drop of a hat. I don't care if it would be better for the team if I reconcile on the field with a guy like Donovan. If he has the AUDACITY to talk shit about me while I'm over boning whores in Italy then that dude is gonna catch a smack when I bring my romping ass back to the US of A. On the flip side, When did Beckham decide he can start referring to himself as "we"? I wasn't aware that the highest paid player in the MLS was in the middle of a recession. No, I wasn't aware that he became a US citizen. My granddaddy didn't go across the pond and start slamming gooks to make sure a bunch of wealthy brits can call themselves apart of the greatest nation in the world just because we're signing his paycheck. So what's the moral of the story? Grow a set man. You're playing in the right city I guess. Let me know when you, Gasol, Kobe and Manny have you're tampon party.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

She knows how to party

PHOENIX -- The Phoenix Mercury have suspended guard Diana Taurasi for two games without pay after she was cited on drunk-driving related charges. In a release Thursday, the team said Taurasi was suspended "for conduct detrimental to the team." Taurasi faces three drunk-driving related charges, including extreme DUI, for a July 2 incident in which she also was cited for speeding. The 27-year-old guard was cited hours after she scored 22 points in the Mercury's 93-81 victory over the Seattle Storm. A Phoenix police report released Tuesday shows Taurasi's blood-alcohol level was 0.17 percent, more than twice the Arizona legal limit of 0.08 percent.Taurasi pleaded not guilty to the DUI charges and not responsible to the speeding citation.

.17 is pretty impressive, even for a dyke. Clearly this chick learned how to party at UConn. No doubt her and Gino went shot for shot a few times in her career. I bet she was hitting on the officers too. I guess the WNBA has some use if it trains its athletes to handle alcohol well. Next up: Maya Moore gets pulled over with a full pound of cocaine in here front seat. Great story.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm Tim Wakefield And I Got Invited To The All-Star Game And Didn't Throw 1 Pitch.

Don't make a guy wait 18 years just to make him play tummy sticks on the pine for 9 innings. It's disrespectful at best and should be regarded as criminal at worst. Wake can put on a smile and act like he was just happy to be there but you and I both know that is far from the truth. At the very least just let the poor guy throw an inning. Imagine the faces of the National Leaguers after they just got threw timing down Pap's fastball only to have to be completely fooled by theWake 's knuckler. The again, I guess that's what seperates world series winning managers like Francona from one hit wonders like Maddon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baseball All-Star Break

The Home Run derby is tonight, and the All-Star game is tomorrow. Guess how much I care? I care as much about this as much as I care about going to the gym for an hour a day every day...So zero percent. This is the first year I have really started to feel that the baseball season is 80 games too long. Imagine a world in which spring training starts in April, the season starts May 1st, and the playoffs start August 1st. Baseball would be done by the time the NFL starts. Sounds fucking perfect to me. That would I mean I could watch a baseball game on tv. Knowing that it isn't meaningless gives me a sense of accomplishment as a fan. To put it simply: I just want to watch the G-MEN. End of story.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Classic.

If you're trying to tell me that bitches don't go crazy for sequence and jumpsuits then you are sadly mistaken, my friend.

Are You Fat? No. But Could You Afford To Drop a Few Lbs? Ehhh Yes.

Milan have put Brazilian ace Ronaldinho on a strict diet, hoping he will lose at least four kilograms between now and the beginning of the season in August, according to Il Corriere Dello Sport. ‘Dinho’ returned to action on Monday afternoon for pre-season at Milanello and he has been working hard and with intensity. The report suggests the player is currently overweight and both Leonardo and athletic coach Daniele Tognaccini have devised a special exercise programme for the Brazilian so he can shift the extra pounds and be ready in time for next term. Furthermore, it is suggested the player put on more weight during his summer holiday.

Way to take control of your lifestyle there 'dinho. I get it. You wanna go out every night, drink your beers, dance your dance and smack a couple broads in the snatch. But it's all about balance my friend. You don't see me gaining 30 pounds every off season. Oh, that's right. There is no off season because every damn day of my life is dedicated to bringing the fucking noise. Regardless, I dare anyone to tell me that Ronny is not still one of the greatest players in the world. Full belly or not. It's just means there is more for him to love and we should feel honored.No, privileged. No, blessed.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Landon Donovan Just Dropped 5 Points On My Respect Chart

Landon Donovan isn't backing down from what he said about David Beckham's performance as a teammate last season with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

But the U.S. national team star does regret that he didn't go to Beckham with his concerns first, the Los Angeles Times reported. "I'm not going to apologize for the way I felt," Donovan said, according to the Times. "What I feel badly about is that I should have been a man and told David how I felt as opposed to telling a reporter." In Sports Illustrated writer Grant Wahl's new book, "The Beckham Experiment," due to be released Tuesday, Donovan was quoted as questioning Beckham's effort and commitment to the team.

I'm the type of guy to call a square a square and a circle a circle. So I'm a little perplexed on Landon's critical thinking here. I was oblivious to the fact that Landon didn't speak to Becks first and I'm a little hurt. He just made all of America look bad. Oh. Wait. No one cares about soccer in the US besides me? Oh well. Anyway. Grow a set man. Don't sit on your thoughts for 6 months then go tell a reporter about your feelings because you both hold a grudge against a great european player who has too much talent for your patchwork league. I mean I understand if you hate the motherfucker because he's been having sex on the reg, getting drunk on the reg, and fucking having good times on the reg. But at the very least, talk to him. Just remember that initiating conversation is the half the battle. The rest is a cake walk.

Your Mother and Shawn Marion Probably Shop In The Same Pantie Section.

A four-team deal sending Shawn Marion to the Dallas Mavericks has been approved by the league office and was to be formally announced by the teams on Thursday. Marion is set to receive a five-year contract from the Mavericks worth an estimated $39 million, according to sources. Under the sign-and-trade deal, the Orlando Magic traded Hedo Turkoglu to the Toronto Raptors. The Raptors sent Marion, Kris Humphries, Nathan Jawai and cash considerations to Dallas, while also sending a future second round draft pick to the Memphis Grizzlies. The Mavericks in turn shipped Jerry Stackhouse and cash considerations to the Grizzlies and Devean George and Antoine Wright to Toronto, while the Grizzlies dealt Greg Buckner to Dallas.

The first thing that needs to be adressed here is that there are going to be about 6 to 7 teams next year in the NBA competing against eachother. And Dallas will not be one of them. It's like they're shuffling the chairs on the titanic. It's all going down people. The rest of the league will just be playing tummy sticks. Next, when will people finally realize that Shawn Marion's flame burnt out long before his legend ever did? He's garbage. Everytime this guy gets traded it means a team wants him. And I can't seem to find a reason why anyone would want him. His stock plummets every season. Yes, he thrived in the run n gun offense when he was on the Suns but that was like 4 years ago. He's clearly not a truly talented player that you can add to a team and immediatly get results. I mean if you're looking for a guy to stand on a free throw line and shoot like a vagina then he's your man. But if you wanna compete with teams like Celts then I'd look elsewhere.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Osi Umenyiora gets it done

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Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Chicago White Sox pitcher Bartolo Colon is scheduled to make a minor league rehab start for Triple-A Charlotte on Thursday. Problem is, the White Sox don't know where he is. "I know where he is supposed to be right now. He's supposed to be in Charlotte, preparing to start Thursday," White Sox GM Ken Williams said Tuesday, according to the Chicago Tribune. "Efforts to contact his agent have been successful. Their efforts to contact their client have not been so successful." Colon, the 2005 AL Cy Young Award winner, had been working on rehabbing his left knee in Arizona after starting the season 3-6 with a 4.23 ERA in 11 games. He joined the White Sox as a free agent this season.

This is just plain funny. I can see the PA Announcer sitting up there in the booth calling out his stats and everything only to have him not even be there. How can you not fucking know where he is? Is he Sarah Palin? Low blow, you're right, but that's how she likes it if you catch my drift. Plus, this guy is like 285 pounds, not that easy to lose. I bet he is smuggling some of his fellow latinos/dominicans/cubans/columbians/spanish/central american friends into the US through Florida. That, or the guy had a bangin' 4th of July and is still hungover. Either way, it will be on the news within the next few days.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

AC Milan Signs Gooch

AC Milan have quickly wrapped up a deal for United States centre back Oguchi Onyewu on Tuesday in a bid to quell supporter unrest over their transfer policy. The 27-year-old, who impressed in the U.S. side's run to the Confederations Cup final last month, has joined on a free transfer from Standard Liege and penned a three-year contract. The club announced the signing on their website and pointed out he holds a Belgian passport, which means Onyewu will not count as one of only two non-EU players Italian sides are allowed to sign each season.

Uhhmmm. I think it is officially safe to say that US Soccer is that new hot chick on campus. I mean no one really paid attention to the players on the team or in this case, the bitches in the choir group. But then they show up to a party and they really shock you. They're shutting out a world power like Spain and taking body shots off Erica's c-cup titties and talking about how they wanna lose their v-card to a sharp dressed man named clyde little. Next thing you know, guys like me and Milan are taking notes and etching that name down into our hit list. It's like, "hey bitch, have you read my blog? I can make you a celebrity over night." Or my man Gooch going to a premier club like Milan. You get the picture.

Hello. I Love You.

Words couldn't do this beauty justice. I'd go to hell and back for that broad.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hey, Remember When That Guy With the Big Shnoz Played For Boston?

Those were marvelous times. Nomar comes back to Fenway for the first time since being traded in 2004 and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him. Seriously. What if the guy never got hurt? What if he never got traded? What if he was never played like a fiddle by the front office? We could do this all day but it won't get you anywhere except stuck in a corner with a bottle of jager, his photo, a flower and a shotgun. I just wanna say I'll love you always and forevever Nomar.

80,000 Greet Cristiano

Cristiano Ronaldo received a rapturous welcome from 80,000 Real Madrid fans Monday, an outpouring so exuberant the soccer star had to be hustled away when spectators leaped barriers and took the field. Ronaldo, who joined the famed club following his record transfer from Manchester United, appeared before the capacity crowd at Santiago Bernabeu wearing the same No. 9 jersey worn by Real Madrid great Alfredo di Stefano. “I’ve achieved one of my dreams,” a beaming Ronaldo said before leading fans in a cry of “Viva Madrid” “I want this to begin as quickly as possible so that I can show what I can do.” Real Madrid had been chasing the world player of the year since 2006. He agreed to a six-year contract in a record 80-million pound ($151-million Canadian) transfer.

Are you fucking kidding me? 80,000 people show up to greet this bastard? I don't care how good this guy is, there is no way I could convince that many of my friends to go and watch him stand on a stage and talk for 10 minutes. And yes, I happen to have 80,000 friends. Check my facebook bitches. You don't wanna know what happens when I send out a mass text. I guess if I was told there would be a free show that involved 15 gypsys, an apple, boobie tassles and a mandatory blind fold on all participants then I might, just maybe, stop by for a drink and good laughter. Or a mass assassination of Julio Lugo look-a-likes. Then you can count me in as a plus 1. I don't know. I just know this is clearly why America is better than those pussy european countries like Spain. Make no mistake about it, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Nomar and Ken Griffey Jr. Could be playing tummy sticks with an orangautang and not even 30,000 well dressed men would show up to that minstrel show.

Dofollow Blog Search Engine

Continue from last post about backlink. Today after googling and walk around, i was found information about Dofollow Blog Search Engine.

Definition of Dofollow Blog search Engine

Dofollow Blog search Engine is directory for searching all dofollow blog. So you dont need waste a time to search and divide where is dofollow blog or not.

List of Dofollow Blog Search Engine

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Get Over 2000 Backlink For Free

Today i will share a special and verry usefull information for blogger and special for all readers of this blog. Becouse what?couse i will gave you a secret how to get over 2000 backlink from new blog platfom.

Why Get Over 2000 Backlink so important?
If this question on your mind, you should read my older post with title Get Backlink From My Dofollow Blog. Backlink so important couse can be a measurment for increasing your pagerank.

What new blog platform i mean?
BlogEngine.Net. This is a blog platform for wicrosoft window with all feature as like as blogger and wordpress and built with Aspx script. But i have no learn more about this platform. You can googling. The important of this blog is has dofollow on comment area.

How to get over 2000 backlink?
Blog with this platform has spread over that 2500 blog. You just write a comment on this blog platform. So simple and wait backlink to your blog..

To find this blog platform just click on link above.

Dofollow BlogEngine.Net

Enjoy this. Dont forget, a critical reader always give a comment for what they read

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Make Your Blogger Seo Friendly

Reference to my recent post article about "Blogger better than Wordpress For Seo?". Now i will share information how in fact blogger very bad in seo and how to make blogger seo friendly better than wordpress.

In Fact Blogger is Verry Bad In SEO

  1. Blogger show all post content on index page and categories page that make the categories page duplicate content with the post page.
  2. Blogger used the same meta keyword and description element for all post that makes template contains duplicate meta keyword and meta description.
  3. Blogger has a bad habit to refer to comments through link like this This is simply a link to anchor on your page. Google threats link like theses as separate pages. Again this is couse a duplicate content.

How Bad Duplicate Content For Seo?
Google will decide your blog /site is not search engine friendly.Google Webmaster Tools does not show you any statistics about your page that are considered duplicate content.

How to fix duplicate content at blogger?
In this post i will share how to fix duplicate conten with canonical link.Canonical is a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results. It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version. Read more deeply at google webmaster central blog

  • Go to your blogger dashboard - Edit HTML , look at tag <head>
  • Paste the code below after/under the <head> section
<link expr:href=’data:blog.url’ rel=’canonical’/>
  • Save your template.

To prove this is work or not. Open source of your post page.find this code <link href=”” rel=”canonical” />. If you see it means working.This will boost your search engine rankings a little bit since Google now thinks your site is "Google friendly" (and in fact it is).
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