Monday, February 28, 2011

Who Wants To See Naked Pictures Of The Daddy Beater From Teen Mom?!?!?!?!

How fucking ruined is your day now? Probably your week, right? Maybe the whole month of March is gone for you but that month sucks donkey dong anyway(don't get me started on March. I hate the shit out of it. Just like 31 days of limbo. Is it winter or is it spring today? What the fuck? I don't like walking around with jeans and t-shirt. I'm hoodie and jeans or shorts and whatever. Give me 50 degree temps and higher or bust.) I've already puked 4 times since I've seen the picture and I only eye balled it once. And it looks like she's pregnant again. You know what they say. Teenager gets knocked up once, call it an an unfortunate accident. Teenage gets knocked up twice and you call her a filthy, good for nothing whore. You know it's punishable by death in some countries. Barack should seriously look into that. 

P.S. If you're gonna take naked pictures of yourself, have a pair of chesticles. Give the people something to talk about. Oh, and don't be ugly. Or pregnant. Or a bitch. That helps.

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