Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Don't Even Want To Watch The Super Bowl Tomorrow

I'm usually hyped as shit for this game but this year just doesn't do it for me. Yeah, it'll probably be a great game with two good quarterbacks, punishing defenses, speedy receivers and great game planning by each coaching staff. But I just don't give a fuck. Obviously I want Green Bay to rape Roethlisberger but when it's all said and done, I don't care. It all boils down to Tom Brady and how I'm still not over the playoff loss to the Jets. Actually I'm still not over the Celtics blowing a 3-2 series lead to the Lakers but right now the wounds are still fresh from that playoff debacle so it's all I think about. This was our fucking year. We're supposed to be talking about how Tom Terrific is the single greatest football player of all time as he goes for his 4th ring and how the NFL might have to name the Lombardi Trophy after Belichick. But what are we doing instead? We're talking about how Aaron Rodgers makes people forget about Brett Favre and a slapdick football player named Roethlisberger refuses to get sacked in the pocket. It's gross. I want to wake up and puke in a fat chick's mouth every morning just thinking about it. I don't know. I'm just apathetic to the whole thing. Both teams bore the shit out of me and nothing would excite me about this game unless Fox came out and said they'll air 10 minutes of footage from Charlie Sheen's bender.

P.S. There's a story behind that picture because that's exactly how I've felt for the past 2 weeks. Just a sad, sad puppy behind a cage with no hopes or dreams. I'm gonna go put on some James Morrison, light a candle, stare at my wall of Boston sports heroes and cry myself to sleep.

P.P.S. The Black Eyed Peas are performing at Halftime? Are you fucking kidding me? Take an ice pick and stab me in the eyes. Just do it. Nobody should perform during halftime unless their name is Bruce Springsteen. Football is America. Springsteen is America.

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