Monday, February 21, 2011

Beckham Treats Tottenham To Pie and Mash? Sounds a Bit Sexual, No? Count Me In!

LONDON -- Before returning to Los Angeles, David Beckham treated Tottenham staff to a traditional English lunch of savory pie and mashed potato as his training stint with the club ended. Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp says Beckham had the meals delivered to the club's training ground in east London from "somewhere up the road, and we all tucked in." Redknapp, who was brought up on the dish in London's East End, says "some of the foreign lads were not too sure what to make of pie and mash, so we had their portions." Beckham was limited to training after being denied the chance to play competitive matches for Tottenham by the Los Angeles Galaxy.

Fun fact about myself that will help you see the few differences between me and Becks. I don't eat pie(i mean that in three ways) and I don't eat Mashed Potatoes. I don't eat any potato product, actually. That means french fries, chips, and anything you can think of. How the fuck do you think I stay so svelte like a burmese python? SO let me tell you how this relates to the story. If I let Beckham train with my team and all he does to show his appreciation is order up some bitchass pies and mashed potatoes, I'm pissed. I mean I'm livid. Even a tad furious and I very rarely use those words so you know it's serious. That's absolute fucking bullshit. I don't give a shit if it's English tradition, this guy has more money than God. Give me a car, a watch, 3 strippers, one virgin prostitute and a signed picture of Stevie Wonder. That's all I want.

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