Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Not Sure But I'm Pretty Sure The Nets Owner Wined and Dined Carmelo

Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov said he had a “fantastic” meeting with Carmelo Anthony, but still does not sound confident he can land the Nuggets star. "It was a fantastic meeting, trust me," Prokhorov told CNBC in an interview that will air Tuesday. "No words, live music, excellent atmosphere. We looked into each other's eyes. Just real man talk." But Prokhorov still thinks he should have avoided a meeting with Anthony, who may only sign his three-year, $65 million extension if it includes a trade to the Knicks. The two sides had a meeting scheduled in January that the Russian billionaire cancelled, but the two finally got together on Saturday with some prodding from Nets GM Billy King. “As you know, my instinct was to stay away and I still think that is (the) right decision," Prokhorov said. "But when the meeting was fixed Billy King called me and said, 'We need you.' I was convinced and I still think I'm right to stay away, but we have teamwork so sometimes we need to be all together."

No words, live music, excellent atmopshere and they looked into each other's eyes all night? Huh? That either sounds like a scene from a bad chick flick or a very well shot porno. Russian guys with money creep me the fuck out. Maybe I'm still paranoid about the Soviet Union getting back together like a 80's rock band but whatever the case is, this story makes me want to shower the awkward off me. There's no such thing as "real man talk" if you looked into eachothers eyes all night and listened to live music. I'd bet a billion dollars that Prokhorov placed his hand on Melo's knee at least twice during this little meeting. Like once was an accidental swipe as he went to get his dropped napkin but the next time he was sure to make eye contact and give a little wink.

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