Monday, February 21, 2011

The Slam Dunk Contest Is a Joke.

Blake Griffin dunked over a car to win the competition? Cool. Did he do a 360 or tomahawk? Nope. Simply jumped a car and threw it down with 2 hands. Cool to see but was it shocking? Fuck no. Blake Griffin does nothing for me. He has big dunks in games that don't mean shit because his team plays slapdick basketball. He's never gonna be apart of a championship winning team and he's not someone I'm drafting as a #1 pick to lead my franchise. He actually represents everything the dunk contest is all about. Just one giant gimmick. McGee tried to dunk 3 balls, The dude from Oklahoma city brought out some child actor and Blake Griffin jumped over a car with a choir singing behind him. None of which made me say "Oh shit." That's what dunk contests should be about. "Oh shit" moments and I haven't had one since 2001 and it's absolutely fucking shameful.

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