Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A-Roid Wants His Balls Back

A few Fox honchos’ ears were burning Sunday night in Dallas — and it had nothing to do with the action on the Cowboys Stadium field. Turns out Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez wanted to slug a few folks after he spotted himself and his girlfriend Cameron Diaz being shown to the 111 million people watching the game. America saw the actress lovingly feeding popcorn into A-Rod’s mouth. “He really went ballistic — thinking the cameraman was out to get them in a paparazzi-like shot. … That’s so crazy,” said my source. “Anyone who knows anything about producing a live sports event — especially something as huge as the Super Bowl.

Just the other day I was thinking it's been way too long since I've heard a classic A-rod story. Then Sunday rolls around and he shows his vagina on the sports' biggest stage in Dallas. Obviously embarrassing to be caught on camera with your declining girlfriend(diaz hasn't had mojo since JT dumped her ass) feeding you popcorn but then he turns it up another notch with his tough guy act, yelling about some conspiracy Fox has against him. This bottom line is this. A-rod is a bitch. Always has been and always will be. Yankee fans know it and I guarantee you not one Yankee player would have his back in a bar fight. Any normal player would walk into his locker room the next day and probably get some shit for his girlfriend feeding him on national television but not A-Roid. I bet Derek Jeter just rolls his eyes and Swisher doesn't even blink. A-rod is "that guy." Totally on his own level of being a self conscious vagina.

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