Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fuck Lady Gaga

She promised a surprise, and we got one: Lady Gaga arrived at the Grammys in a gigantic egg carried by four men, like an avian Cleopatra. Was she Born This Way? Ok, that's a pun on her brand new song, which she'll be performing tonight.

Fuck Lady Gaga. Just fuck her. I've had enough of her whole shock and awe routine like she's some rebel or danger to society. First of all, I don't plan on watching the Grammys just like I don't watch the MTV Music Awards. I'm not 13 and I don't have a vagina. I'll watch the Oscars because that's what adults do.  Back to Gaga. I hate her and I hate her with a passion. She's on Lebron and Taylor Swift level of hate for me. I don't like bitches who try to be bad. Either you're a a bad bitch or you're not and by always trying to make a statement you give yourself up. She's like the dude at a party who always tries to turn it up another level. Listen, if the party is meant to be great then it's meant to be great and it'll get there in time. You don't need to jump on the table with your shirt off and slap a chick's ass in order to get a rise out of people. Gaga is just too much for me and the jig is up, baby. We get it. You're a fucking weirdo. No go back to producing songs for hot girls.

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