Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Joba Looks Good...

I think I'm having a rough week and then I just think about the past 5 months for Yankee fans. Tragic. Just fucking tragic. Nothing and I mean nothing will take the wind out of your sails faster than one of your star pitchers showing up to spring training with enough belly fat to cover an Apache Indian's wigwam. That's true for baseball and life in general. It's all about managing expectations. Do I expect Sellberg to come home from college in Tampa with 15 extra pounds on him? Absolutely. Will he? Probably not, he's become a big health nut these days. So win-win, right? Here's a lose-lose for your ass. Nice girls goes off to college, comes home with 15 extra pounds. She loses a lot of self esteem and you lose all respect for her. I see it every May 15th and it's fucking heartbreaking. How do I tie this back to Joba? He's a fat asshole who I've never respected. Done.

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