Monday, February 7, 2011

Spike Lee Wants Kevin Garnett To "Calm The Fuck Down."

Add Spike Lee to the growing list of people unhappy with Celtics star Kevin Garnett. The celebrity Knicks fan said in an interview with that KG was cursing him out “for no reason” the last time the Celtics and Knicks met, at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 15, and that the Celtics’ star “needs to calm the [expletive] down.”  Here is the portion of the Q&A with Lee regarding KG:  Interviewer: What's your most memorable conversation with a player during a game?  Lee: This is really surprising, and this is all true. The only time that it’s ever really gotten nasty was with Reggie Miller. But we were friends before that and we’ve been friends since then. When I go to the games, it’s to have fun. I’m respectful. If I say a player missed a shot, that’s not talking about your mother, your family; it’s all good nature. The players enjoy talking to me and I enjoy talking to them.  But this last time against Boston -- you know that game where they disallowed Stoudemire’s three? -- Kevin Garnett lost it. He was cursing me out for no reason. Maybe because Stoudemire gave him 39 points, but take that vulgarity to Stoudemire. I’m not holding you and I did not even say s--- to Garnett the whole game. That really surprised me. He lost it. He was cursing at me the whole game. He needs to calm the f--- down.

Is there another asshole out there who deserves a beatdown more than Spike Lee? I mean other than me. I feel like Spike Lee has been cruisin for a bruisin for the past 15 years but he gets away with it because he makes racially powerful films or whatever and he's deemed important to the black community. Well fuck that. If it takes KG to put him in his place then so be it. I'm so sick of watching a Knicks game and seeing this little brown midget parade up and down the sidelines like he's in the game. It's like I always say when I smack Sellberg into the boards in hockey. You mess with the bull, you get the horns. You cheer like a 8 year old kid and celebrate all game then KG is gonna have something to say about it. He's not Lebron. He's not gonna bend down on one knee and stroke your dick for you because you're a half-celebrity and cares about his image. Garnett is real and real recognize real as the black kids say in my econ class. Do the right thing KG and smack his ass through the floor. That actually sounded kind of gay.

P.S. I'm fully aware there were about 5 borderline racist comments in that post.

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