Monday, February 14, 2011

Real Ronaldo Calls It Quits

SAO PAULO -- Ronaldo retired from soccer Monday because his body can no longer meet the demands of the game, ending a magnificent career in which he won two World Cups with Brazil and thrived with some of Europe's top teams. With tears on his cheeks, the 34-year-old striker announced his decision at a news conference. He played 18 years despite repeated knee trouble and leaves as a three-timer FIFA Player of the Year and the top goal scorer in World Cup history. "It's very hard to leave something that made me so happy," said Ronaldo, with sons Alex and Ronald by his side. "Mentally, I wanted to continue, but I have to acknowledge that I lost [the fight] to my body."

In other words, Ronaldo got too fat and drunk to play soccer effectively anymore.And that's nothing to be ashamed of because that's the ultimate dream in my eyes. Become a global icon, make millions and millions of dollars then just get fat and gross and drink beer everyday on a hammock for the rest of your life.

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