Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Clearly Friday

I'm out. Gonna go refresh my mind down in Miami for the weekend because this blog makes that much money.

This is Terrifying

Awesome,kid. Can someone let this little shit know that it's total cliche these days to lift weights to 50 cent? This aint a music video from 2004 buddy. This is real mother fucking life. You wanna go run around your house and flip over chairs like a little gypsy princess then be my guest. But if you want to be a man and be called the worlds strongest kid then I'd suggest you go toe to toe with some dude in the ring. Take lumps like a real man for christ's sake. Is it wrong that at the end of that video I was praying he would slip and crack his chin in half?

Wait. He Was Available and We Signed Smoltz and Penny?

Is anyone thinking that Theo Epstein is a tad overrated as a GM? I'm not saying that Pedro would be the secret ingredient to be playing deep into October but he would have been a lot better than Smoltz and fat ass. I don't really see anything wrong with the deal besides the front office who still has hurt feelings from when he walked. The fans love him, he loves the big stage and Yankee fans can't fucking stand him. It's a win-win-win. Michael Scott couldn't have drawn it up any better. But what good move has Theo made in the past 4 years? I'd still want Manny over Bay. Maybe we don't win 2007 without Beckett but we'd have Hanley at shortstop instead the flavor of the week and all those terrible signings like Lugo are erased. I'll stop there because the road down the "what if" game is a cold and lonely place. Like what if Donahue's dad wore a condom?

P.S. Where did A-roid go?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Hope I'm Still Drowning In Titties When I'm 105

A Houston woman celebrated her 105th birthday in style -- at the strip club, local television station KPRC reported. Juanita Black went with her granddaughter, Amy Black, to an iconic Houston ladies club on Tuesday."We took her because she said wanted to see some men. We took her to La Bare, and she had a good time," Amy Black said.Other than being a little hard of hearing, Juanita Black is in excellent health. She only takes three medications and has never consumed alcohol, smoked or driven a day in her life. Amy Black said her grandma never learned to drive so she's had to walk everywhere. "That's probably why she's so healthy," she said.When asked what her secret to a long life is, Juanita laughed and said, "Green Tea."

This is actually a funny coincidence because I said the same thing when Dan Donahue wanted to go to the gym on his birthday. We took him because he wanted to see some men. This brings me to a very important fact though. What is my stripper song? Return of the mack. Mark morrison. Listen to that classic and tell me your hips don't start swinging.

I Guess Some People Actually Care

PHILADELPHIA -- A lawyer for a Philadelphia woman charged with offering sex for World Series tickets says she is "a nice lady overcome with Phillies fever."Lawyer William J. Brennan says Susan Finkelstein might have dropped double entendres in her Craigslist ad but never explicitly offered sex. Brennan says the 43-year-old University of Pennsylvania graduate student wanted to take her husband to a game between her beloved Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees Brennan says the self-described "buxom blonde" was trying to score tickets online, as she had in the past.

Just like you don't mess with a man's pitch pipe while he's in the middle of a funky groove, you can't fuck with a bitch who has Phillies fever. But wheres the crime in being an unbelievable fan? She never actually offered to blow anyone. All I saw was that she's creative, maybe a little a crafty, and has an imagination that would make Dr. Suess swoon. I'd rather sign this bitch up to play PG for the Charlotte Bobcats than see her behind bars with attributes like those. Maybe put her on the Sox payroll, we need a new mind on that bench to keep things spicy.

Is There a Game Tonight?

Besides my man crush on Chase Utley and Pedro being my first love, I really don't give a fuck about this series. And why would you? It represents all that is wrong with the world. I just don't understand how people can say that either of these teams are remotely "likeable." It's still the same old Yankees. A-roid is hitting bombs like he's back in Seattle, Pettite is still a fucking scumbag who used HGH, Johnny Damon is still gay, Jorge still has a retarded son, Mariano is one post-season melt down from retirement, Cano is a punk who thinks he's the '93 me, and then there is Mark Tex. I never thought I could hate anyone more than A-roid but then this prick came along. I'd like to just tie this clown to a post and punch him in the face over and over and over and over again until I broke every bone in his face. And then I'd take a hammer and a chisle and and pound away at his knee caps every 30 seconds until they turned to dust.

Special thanks goes out to the thought of Dylan Sellberg and his yankee hat for making this post possible

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey Asshole, You Can't Say That

Chiefs running back Larry Johnson, less than 24 hours after taking on coach Todd Haley on his Twitter profile, maintained an edge Monday when approached by reporters in the team's locker room. Hours after Kansas City's 37-7 loss to San Diego on Sunday, Johnson tweeted several controversial remarks directed toward Haley and the coach's lack of football experience. Haley, who is in his first season as a head coach at any level, never played football in high school, college or the pros. A message posted on Johnson's profile, whose username Sunday about 7 p.m. stated: "My father played for the coach from 'rememeber the titans'. Our coach played golf. My father played for redskins briefley. Our coach. Nuthn." Johnson continued the rant, and, in later responses directed toward Johnson's Twitter followers, contained inflammatory remarks about gays. In a reference to someones profile picture, Johnson called it a "fag pic" and called the person a "Christopher street boy," a reference to a predominantly gay section in New Yorks Greenwich Village. Johnson's Twitter profile was taken private and some posts were deleted. On Monday in the Chiefs locker room, Johnson used another gay slur after saying he wouldn't speak to reporters. Johnson, sitting next to second-year running back Jamaal Charles, told reporters that "I'm not talking till Thursday," his usual day of speaking with reporters. Then Johnson turned away and whispered. "Get your faggot ass out of here," he said.

Nice, bro. Real nice. You can't just go around dropping the "fag" bomb anymore. It's not 1994 when we thought they were the reason for the HIV virus. They're real people now with human emotions I guess. Probably shouldn't expect much though from a guy who makes a habit of spitting in chicks faces. You might say he lacks a little something donny baseball calls "class." But props to guy whoever got LJ to tweet back. I've been trying to get Jimmy Fallon and Obama to react to my hateful messages for the past 3 months. Whatever. Scott Boucher won't even fucking tweet me back. I guess he's a Christopher Street boy.

P.S. That picture is not from this year. #27 has yet to score a touchdown this year. Or win a game.

The NBA Season Starts Tomorrow

This smells like the year. As long as Doc Rivers and Danny Ainge stop with their smear campaign against Rajon Rondo then I don't see any reason for the right team not to reclaim their spot on top of the NBA stage. I don't really understand the people who doubt Kg's health. Even if he's not 100%, I'd still have rather have a 75% Garnett over a 100% Pau Gasol. And I'm pretty sure a guy who isn't reasonably healthy wouldn't be going up for 2 alley oops a game during a meaningless pre-season contest so let's put that rumor to rest. Did I mention we have Rasheed Wallace coming off the bench? Nice little insurance policy there. And I really like Marquis Daniels as a guy who can run the point or come in to be a swinger. But let's be real. How can you not be excited for this NBA season? There's probably 6 or 8 teams that have already locked in their playoff bid and the competition is all pretty equal. The magic and Celts will contend for #1 in the east. Not the Cavs. Fuck the Cavs. If you think for a second that Shaq was the missing piece to Lebron's puzzle then you're a moron. Shaq is a phony. He can go on all these shows and play like he's embracing being the 2nd or 3rd option in Cleveland but his past history says otherwise. The bottom line is he's an attention whore and you can't change those types of bitches no matter how hard you try. He kicked himself off Kobe's team and I got a funny little feeling that he wasn't traded from Miami strictly for financial reasons. Even Steve Nash had a hard time warming up to the big guy and word on the street is Steve Nash could confide in a brick wall if it gave him the time of day. It's only a matter of time before he starts calling for the ball and making that locker room uncomfortable. Ya know what? I don't think he's even the best center on that team so tough titties, tommy ponte. Maybe next year. The Portland Trailblazers are my San Francisco Giants of basketball. Don't act like you don't know about my love affair with Rudy Fernandez. Give them 3 years and they'll be the pissing on fucks like Kobe and Sasha(not obama's daugher).

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Keep your mitts off my grub you bitch. We don't talk for a couple weeks and you think we're broken up? Like it's all good for you to go kiss chicks. Whatever, Hayden. She must've known the boys were back in town this weekend so I was a little distracted.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Well That's Shitty.

A man in Japan claims a hospital misdiagnosed his cancer and unnecessarily gave him an artificial rectum. The man underwent surgery in March at a hospital in western Miyazaki to remove the tumor, the Mainichi Daily reported. But his doctor told the man, whose age and name were not reported, that a later examination found no cancer cells in the removed tissue, the report said. The man, who now has an artificial rectum, is demanding $416,171 in compensation, the report said citing the complaint filed with the Miyazaki District Court. "We realize the complaint has been filed,'' a hospital official said. "We will take appropriate action after examining the case.''

Bahahahahahaha. I bet this doctor feels like a real asshole. And I bet the patient is dare I say it, Bummed?

Friday, October 23, 2009

What a Pest

You can call him a pussy for challenging a guy who doesn't like to fight or you can look at it as a guy getting a virgin to bone.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm Sorry. This is All I Have Left In Me This Week

The loss of Julian weighed on me heavy today. Add that to the many other losses like Lucas Scott from One Tree Hill, the king of pop to Gaids,2pac, Patric Swayze,Joey Gladstone's character on Full House,Ronald Reagan,Elton John's Mother,Kanye's public relations career,anthrax,and whatever else we've lost. It's like everything finally hit me hard today. I don't know. Why is it so hard to say goodbye to yesterday? Damnit, Roger! Damn you!

Friday Night Lights: What Happens In the Future

Football and hot women? What male sports fan wouldn't love Friday Night Lights! Throw in the fine writing and decent acting from the male members of the cast (as if we care!) ...

When Friday Night Lights wrapped up season three, the writers gave each of the main characters an interesting future. Now with the show coming back for a fourth (and even a fifth and likely final season), it sounds like the futures the writers decided upon will be changed. Be sure to check out how things look for our favourite good looking cast on DirecTV next week!

But what if things didn't change? I had some fun and imagined where I thought the characters might end up if they followed the path that was set out for them at the end of the third season.

Tyra Colette
When we left off: She was headed to the University of Texas.
The Future: While at college, the stunning tall drink of water attracts the attention of plenty of college boys. Her and everybody's favourite Christian rocking nerd Landry break it off. Tyra earns her business degree but somewhere along the way realizes that something is missing ...

Landy Clarke
When we left off: He was a staying in Dillon as a junior.
The Future: Landry stays at Dillon High and graduates top of his class. He heads off on academic scholarships to the Ivy League but returns often to Dillon and Texas to see his family. Landry earns a master's and doctorate in physics and makes an exciting breakthroughs in the energy industry. He creates his own company and ...

marries Tyra. She heads up his company's marketing arm and with street smarts, guts and personality helps it become extremely successful. The pair base the company in Texas because they realize they love the state.

Matt Saracen
When we left off: Always the guy trying to do the right thing, Matt opts to stay in Dillon with his grandma.
The Future: Like Smash Williams before him, Matt is offered a management opportunity with the Tastee Freeze. He is able to be based in Dillon but does have to travel. Matt also coaches part-time for East Dillon with his mentor Eric Taylor. While Matt earns a reputation as an innovative offensive mind, in his spare time he pursues correspondence courses in art. Over the years he breaks up with ...

Julie Taylor
When we left off: Julie was headed for her senior year of high school.
The Future: Julie eventually heads off to college on the east coast. She is not too sure what she wants to do in life so studies both dance and journalism. Eventually she decides she wants to ... be a teacher like her parents.
She also realizes that her and Matt need to be together. They reunite and, taking Grandma Saracen with them, move to the Boston area. Julie teaches English and is the student newspaper advisor at a prestigious private school. Matt works as a freelance artist and, while earning big money working for others, has a series of success graphic novels. The couple travel frequently to Texas to visit Landy and Tyra.

Tim Riggins
When we left off: He was headed to San Antonio State to play football.
The Future: Riggins find the party school atmosphere if San Antonio State much to his liking. Over, it results in him getting kicked off the football team and out of school. Riggins returns to Dillon and is shocked to see how hard Billy has to work to make ends meet for his family.
Riggins returns to San Antonio State and eventually captains the squad as a senior. He is a late round draft pick but earns his way into the NFL for five seasons. After that he takes his business degree and returns to Dillon where he helps the Riggins Brothers garage expand and also invests in other businesses. He marries a former rally girl, becomes a big booster at Dillon High and eventually becomes the mayor of Dillon.

Lyla Garrity
When we left off: Headed to Vanderbilt
The Future: The brunette with the amazing rack earns a degree in international studies and becomes a diplomat at the UN. She marries a fellow high ranking official but always has a soft spot for Tim Riggins and ...

Jason Street
When we left off: Working as a low level sports agent in New York and supporting his girlfriend and son.
The Future: Jason's charismatic personality helps him become very successful. He becomes a partner in the agency, marries his girlfriend and has more children. He remains friends with Lyla and heads back to Texas whenever he can to visit Tim. The lifelong best friends eventually buy the land they talked about in the series' first episode. During his career, Jason represents both Tim, Smash Williams and J.D. McCoy.

Smash Williams
When we left off: Making a college football team as a walkon and doing well
The Furture: Smash becomes an All-American and is a high NFL draft pick. The first thing he does is but his mom a great house in the city where he was drafted to play. Smash enjoys a 10-year NFL career featuring a number of Pro Bowl appearances. After retiring he uses his personality to carve out a very successful broadcasting and advertising career.

J.D. McCoy
When we left off: Headed into his sophomore year of high school
The Future: Pushed too hard by his father, J.D. flames out in college. He returns to Dillon where he faces his father's wrath. Riggins hears about the kid's plight and sets him up with Street. Jason helps him get an NFL tryout and, after earning a job as a backup, blossoms into a Pro Bowl quarterback.

Coach Taylor
When we left off: Headed to East Dillon as head coach
The Future: After a rough couple yeas with the upstart East Dillon program, Taylor leads his squad deep into the Texas state playoffs. He gets college offers but decides to stay in Dillon with Gracie Bell and his wife. After J.D. graduates, Buddy and the Dillon boosters try to get him to return but Coach is happy with what he has built at East Dillon.

Tammy Taylor
When we left off: Back for another year as principal at Dillon High
The Future: The hot, red-headed MILF raises her youngest daughter in Dillon and enjoys a long career as principal. Like her husband, she has offers to move on but she discovers she loves the town.


Promising rookie receiver Julian Edelman sustained a broken arm Sunday in the Patriots' 59-0 win over the Titans, the Boston Herald reported Tuesday. Edelman's final play came in the fourth quarter, when he caught a 4-yard pass from quarterback Brian Hoyer and was tackled by Tennessee cornerback Cary Williams. Edelman's right arm took the brunt of the fall on the play. A seventh-round draft choice out of Kent State, Edelman is third on the team with 21 receptions for 188 yards. He was not spotted at the team's walk-through practice Tuesday and his chair was folded up at his locker when reporters arrived in the locker room.

I'm gonna have to take the day off to mourn this loss.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Relax, Jordon Brault

A Virginia man on a police ride-along was found guilty of animal cruelty after he jumped out of the police car and stomped an opossum to death.The Danville Register & Bee reported Tuesday that 23-year-old Evan Bryce Schuler saw the opossum run along a fence. A police officer testified that Schuler ran up to the fence, grabbed the links and "started stomping." Schuler's lawyer, James Priest, said Schuler grew up on a farm where opossums killed his chickens and acted on instinct. Priest appealed the district court's ruling and the case will move to circuit court.

HILARIOUS. I want this police report fucking framed and put on the wall of the busiest diner in Danville, Va. You might wanna file this under a little more than animal cruelty if the guy ran up the fence, grabbeb the links and started romping. Now that would be comedy. But let's be real for a second. James Priest must be the Johnny Cochran of Virginia. It takes years of experience and court room practice to come up with the defense that he killed the possum because he grew up on a farm that was victim to chicken murders by the possums. I won't be shocked if he calls upon cases that involved soldiers with PTSD to set a precedent. Maybe even throw out that possums have no right being outside in the day time so this case shouldn't even go to trial based on that. Just really nice lawyer skills. That is all.

Another 2 Assists For The Baddest SOB On The Planet

Can somebody stop this guy? The boy is finally fully healed so he gets promoted to the 2nd line with no other than the greatest CT product, Chris the muffinman from Drury lane. And how does #16 respond? Oh, let me help my team win some games with my precision passing skills, he says. Not only that but he also stirs the pot a bit by putting little vaginas in headlocks and running his mouth like Joe Biden. Yes, I know the Rangers lost 7-3 but if anyone came away with a moral victory last night it was Seany boy. Return of the mack indeed. I'm back bitches.

This Post Is For Togs

The New England Patriots have released wide receiver Joey Galloway, a source told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter. Galloway, a 15-year NFL veteran, has seven receptions for 67 yards this season. He has not been on the Patriots active roster for the last three weeks.

Joey Galloway is good, huh? Yeah. Good call on that one bro. Did I do it again or did I do it again? I believe I can be quoted as saying that Galloway was going to be off the team by week 8. And this stroke of genious by me was made all the way back in May. This doesn't even go down in my history book of "Rza's greatest calls of all time" though. Those spots are saved for things like the odds of Powers puking on any given alcohol fueled night or picking 33 chicks out of 99 who probably have herpes. I may not be a numbers guy but you can always tell a slut from a girl who had a rough night. I don't even remember what this post was about to begin with.

P.S. I love Brady's face in this picture. It's like he's saying, "are you really trying to talk to me?"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Jared Allen Responds

After Sunday's game between the Vikings and Ravens, Baltimore rookie tackle Michael Oher had some surprising words regarding a certain mullet-headed, crazy-ass, calf-roping defensive end named Jared Allen. "There is nothing really special about him," Oher said. "I think he found out I'm an OK player. Guy makes like $100 million. I think I did all right." Allen responded during Monday's After Party on, with Jay Glazer. "Well that's just some idiot trying to talk himself up," Allen said. "I beat that dude like a red-headed stepchild, let's be honest. If he was so good why did they have to chip me all day? Ask him that. "That's just a rookie trying to build his self-confidence up. Besides, you lost and your quarterback spent his whole day on the back of his head until the fourth quarter. That guy [Oher] will watch film today and realize. Everybody else in the world saw me abuse him."

Bahahahahaa. Oh, Jared Allen you crack me up. You know what else cracks me up? He's been arrested for DUI 3 times. Wait. That's not funny. Alcoholics are weak human beings. I also think people who need to take naps during the day are weak but that's a different post for a different day.

This guy likes to party

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Jeff Reed has been cited by city police for public intoxication and disorderly conduct outside a bar a couple of blocks from where the team beat the Cleveland Browns a few hours earlier. Police say Reed was cited outside McFadden's Bar about 9 p.m. Sunday. This is Reed's second brush with the law this year. He paid $543 in fines and restitution after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and criminal mischief for damaging a paper towel dispenser in a convenience store bathroom in New Alexandria in February.

Jeff Reed is just a party animal. has this guy doing all kinds of crazy shit, as demonstrated above. I can't really blame him. It must be embarrassing to not get poon just becuase you are the kicker. So he drinks himself into a stupor and goes freaking wild. You know what I mean, he is "that guy" at every party. The one that people tell their friends about the next day. And you know when he broke that paper towel dispenser he was looking for a condemn to destroy the rest of some underage girl's life. That's how the Steelers roll. Just ask Big Ben. Yeah, I went there. He's gonna get the Kobe treatment from me until I see that the rape stain (no pun intended) has dried up.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Let's Recap This Weekend

1) Loved Jimmy Clausen's tenacity on Saturday. Realized that Matt Barkely was younger than me. Spent the next 5 hours wondering where the last 6 years of my life went.

2) 5 TD passes in one quarter. 59 to 0. Tom Terrific. Do I really need to say anything more? I understand that the Titans are equal to like Rutgers but that's no excuse in the NFL. You're getting paid money to not make a fool of yourself on national television. I was actually more pissed at the fact that they pulled #12 in the 3rd quarter. I was really looking forward to ESPN and pricks like Ron Jaworski discussing how unclassy the Patriots are. I guess we'll be stuck with another week of Brett Favre getting his dick polished by the boys over in Bristol.

3) Giants got the shit kicked out of them. I don't really care. You ever notice how Giants fans always like to talk shit when the Pats lose but Pats fans don't really give a fuck what the Giants do? I mean I get that we gave them a superbowl and they might feel like they didn't actually earn it. Last I checked the Jets were in our division though. Not the giants. Are New York fans really that insecure that they have to bust on our teams whenever they have a shot. I'll wait for Rocco Mancini to tell me that the Revolution are having an off year or that the Celtics lost a preseason game 2 weeks ago.

4) I hate the fucking Jets. 5 interceptions from Mark Sanchez. You can't tell me that he's not thinking about Sean Avery banging his ex-girlfriend. That'll kill a man. Trust me.

5) Yanks up 2-0 in the series. Have fun celebrating your store bought world series.

6) For Tom Brady, I'd turn my back against the world cause he is my girl.

7) ESPN told me to bench Phillip Rivers and start Hasselbeck. Yeah, that fucking worked out for me. 0 fantasy points.

8) Chris Collinsworth just said, "The snow woke tom brady up today." I love accidental drugs references.

This Is How I Feel When I Watch Manny and Pedro In The Playoffs

Sometimes it makes me sad though, Manny being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still,the place that you live in is that much more drab when they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Norton Anti Virus 2010 Review

Do you feel suck with your antivirus. Some virus can not be detected and damage your system or maybe make your file corrupt. Now you can test antivirus 2010. This is review about Norton Antivirus 2010. And as you can see at below image here. Norton Antivirus is the best antivirus version Antivirus Ware.

Norton AntiVirus is the world's best-selling security program. However, its performance has been scrutinized over the years - especially from those in the tech community. Symantec began to address these performance concerns with their 2009 version last year - let's see if this trend continues with Norton AntiVirus 2010...

1) Installation:

Norton AntiVirus 2010 quickly installs in only 54 seconds and requires no system reboots. This is that make the deffrent between long version that used to take 20+ minutes to install and required multiple reboots to install (4-5 years ago).

2) Features & Ease of Use:

Norton 2010's user-interface has a similar look & feel to last year's version. Several new features such as Norton Download Insight and Norton File Insight which warn of dangerous downloads and files which may be threats. Norton System Insight offers details of your computer's resource usage so its performance can be improved. While Norton's scheduler automatically delays updates, scans and other tasks until your computer is idle - this idle time usage should make Norton Antivirus 2010 even less noticeable to users than it was before.

Features Checklist:


Bot Protection
Email Scanning

IM Protection

Worm Protection


3a) Virus Scanner:

Norton has 3 scanning options: Quick Scan, Full System Scan, and Custom Scan. On our test computer with 70GB of used space on its hard-drive it took Norton 2010 just 27 seconds to perform its Quick Scan, while the Full System Scan took 42 minutes making it one of the fastest virus scanners on the market.

New scanning technologies this year include Norton Insight Network (based on Quorum technology) and SONAR 2 (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response). These features are designed to detect whether a file is trustworthy or not based on behavioral and cloud-based data. This should result in Norton being better able to identify files as being trustworthy or untrustworthy that would have previously fallen into the grey/unknown category. Only time will tell how these new features perform.


New last year (Norton 2009) was Norton's new Pulse Update feature that automatically downloads new Virus Definitions every 6 minutes on average (over 200 updates per day). This new feature gives you the most up-to-date protection of any antivirus program available - over 10 times more updates than its nearest competitor.

3b) System Resource Use:

View the results below of the Antivirus tests we performed this year to see how well the 2010 version of Norton faired...

Memory Use: Norton 2010 uses only 11.7 MB of system memory. #3 rated of the 10 Antivirus programs tested.

Reboot Time: Norton added only 6.9 seconds to our test computer's reboot time. #1 rated of the 10 Antivirus programs tested.

Installation Size: Norton Antivirus 2010 takes 153 MB of hard-drive space for installation. #4 rated of the 10 Antivirus programs tested.

Application Launch Time: Norton added 0.122s on average to launch a web browser. This was the #5 rated program tested, and Norton's worst ranking in our Antivirus testing.

File Conversion Time: Norton added only 0.43s on average to convert a MP3 file to four other file types. #1 rated of the 10 Antivirus programs tested.

System Impact Score: The "System Impact Score" is a comparative score tallied from the above 5 Antivirus tests. Norton 2010 scored a total of 41 out of 50 points when compared to the other Antivirus programs. Norton 2010 was the top-rated Antivirus program we tested, just above NOD32 Antivirus which scored 38 points. This is another strong showing by Norton this year, however, Norton 2009 did perform slightly better against its competition last year. The main difference in our testing between the 2009 and 2010 versions was that Norton 2010 had a larger installation size and used slightly more memory than it did last year (11.7 MB of memory this year versus 6.3 MB in 2009). Despite all this, Norton Anti-Virus 2010 is still the top performing Antivirus program we tested - so we shouldn't get too critical.

3c) Effectiveness:

ICSA Labs Certified. ICSA is an independent organization that sets standards for security products and certifies anti-virus software.
Virus Bulletin's VB 100% Certified. Norton passed the most recent VB100 test (Oct./09), however they did fail the previous test. Of the last 46 tests (going back to November 1999) Norton has passed an impressive 45 of them. The VB 100% award is given to antivirus software that detects all viruses "in the wild."
West Coast Labs' Checkmark Anti-Virus Desktop Certification. WCL specializes in functionality testing, performance validation and Checkmark Certification of security products.

4) Help & Support:

Symantec's support has gotten better over the last few years. Previously the only good support was through their paid support systems. Now Symantec offers many good free support options. The Norton support website is comprehensive and easy to use. The in-program Help Files are informative and also offer step-by-step Tutorials for major issues. The "One Click Support" within Norton 2010 automatically scans your Norton software for known issues and offers suggestions. If this doesn't help you can use their free Chat, Email or Phone support - however, free phone support is only offered for limited program issues (virus removal and other PC problems require paid support). We tested their Email support and received a thorough response 9 hours later. Overall, despite negative opinions of Nortons support in the past, it has transformed itself into a top-tier support system.


Norton Antivirus 2010 continues on its revitalization path that began last year towards becoming a better performing Antivirus program. Norton 2010 does have a larger installation size and requires slightly more memory than last year's version, but Norton Antivirus 2010 is still the top of its class in terms of performance. It is now apparent that Symantec is taking the performance of its Antivirus software seriously now as shown by 2 consecutive top-rated versions.

Norton 2010 has several new weapons in its virus-scanning arsenal (Norton Insight Network and SONAR 2) which should better protect against rogue downloads and malicious files. Our only real concern with Norton this year is that it did not perform as well in Malware testing as it has in previous years. Norton Antivirus passed all the major tests this year, but it received only 2 out of 3 stars in AV-Comparatives' May testing (it did receive 3 stars in the August test). Still, despite this result, Norton is overall the best Antivirus program that we tested.

Norton Antivirus 2010 is a good choice for computer novices and intermediates - for more advanced users we would recommend Norton Internet Security 2010 due to its added Firewall, Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing, and other capabilities not included in Norton Antivirus - plus it can be installed on 3 computers unlike Norton Antivirus (1 computer).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lebron James Has The Swine Flu

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- LeBron James and teammates Darnell Jackson and Coby Karl have tested positive for Influenza A, and are being treated as if they have the H1N1 virus.

This part of my life, this right here is called my prayers being answered. Might wanna wash those hands after you jerk Shaq off, 'bron-bron.I guess all that disinfectant lotion you used as lube didn't keep you from getting the equivalent of GAIDS(gay man aids). This is just further evidence that the Celtics are taking back what was rightfully theres this year. I don't see KG or Rondo getting the swine flu, or fucking getting married to the ugliest Kardashian. Yeah, you thought I was gonna let Lamar slide. Like I was actually going to forget to verbally assault a member of the Lakers. It's all part of the master plan. I waited for Lebron to get sick and now I can only hope that Dwight Howard breaks his pelvis in a fiery car crash that kills the entire Yankee squad and Boston will once again become the sports mecca of the world.

P.S. saw Chris Bosh play last night. That man is no joke.

Download Microsoft Office 2010 Beta Icons Pack

Have you change your microsoft Office to a new version Microsoft Office 2010. A new version of Microsoft Office has a web component like Google Docs.

What new on Microsoft Office 2010 :

1.Microsoft to replace Microsoft Works with the support of ad-supported viewing of Microsoft Office, called Office 2010 starter edition

2.Starter edition of Office 2010 have Word and Excel programs and will only be available on new PC

3.Office 2010 is available in three editions: Office Home and Student Office 2010, Office Home and Office Business 2010, and Office Proffesional 2010

4.Click-to-Run is a new feature that will make it easier for users of Microsoft Office 2010. This will facilitate the installation of the patch automatically when connected to the Internet, and because using virtualization, you can install several versions of Microsoft Office on the same computer in side-by-side.

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Oh the south

MOBILE, Ala. - Reynolds Smith Jr. was a stalwart Democratic voter. But the Alabama Democratic Party overlooked another fact when it appointed Smith to an interim party panel: He died in November at age 83. Party executive director Jim Spearman told the Press-Register on Tuesday that the mistake was caused by outdated records. He said the party received Smith's name from a 2006 list of candidates for the Mobile County committee and then used a voter list to verify him as an active voter.

Only in Alabama. How could you not know the guy was dead? I mean honestly. If he isn't around, hasn't uttered a word in 11 months, and doesn't show up to your meetings I would think you should maybe see what the hell is going on. If dead people are allowed in politics let's bring back my boy Andrew Jackson. All you history buffs out there know this guys was a veto machine. He didn't take shit from anyone. When he was pissed you know what he did? He got the U.S. Army to push the Indians into Oklahoma. That's called bringing the noise. That's why Alabama is 52nd out of 50 states in education. We made up two states to help put into perspective just how far behind they are. My goodness.

Oh, one more thing. These are actual laws on the Alabama legislative books:

1. Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.
It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your automobile.
It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yes, He Could Be My Son

If you even thought for a second that my kid wouldn't be able to recite the Pacino speech from Any Given Sunday then you are sadly mistaken.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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That Is What I Call a Party Bus

More than 5,000 pounds of marijuana was found in a fake school bus near Laredo, KSAT-TV in San Antonio reported.A Texas Department of Public Safety trooper stopped the school bus, which was marked to resemble a bus from the Laredo United Independent School District, on U.S. 59 north of Laredo on Saturday, a news release said.The bus had 5,408 pounds of marijuana estimated to be worth more than $1.7 million.The driver fled on foot, police said.

Get a load of this, Tommy Ponte. This 'aint the Dark Knight. You can't just take a school bus and use it for illegal activities and have it go unnoticed. This got me thinking though. How the fuck did the joker even get away with half of his crimes? His game plan might have been A+ but you can't tell me some painted face goon drives a bus out of a bank and the other 12 fucking buses just say, "oh, it's bus #11. I was wondering where he was." That's really all I have to say about this matter.

#16 For MVP

Dan Girardi and Sean Avery each scored twice and the Rangers busted open a 3-2 game in the third period last night, overwhelming the shaky Toronto Maple Leafs with four goals en route to their fifth straight win.

That's 3 points in 2 games for those of you keeping tally at home. It's something called MVP type numbers. All of this on an injured knee. You keep making your checks and feeding the puck into the slots and and the rest will take care of itself.
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