Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You Know I Could Use Somebody

I guess I'm just lost in my own world. You don't have to look any further than the last two posts to realize that. We allowed 20 runs. Then we allowed 1 and scored 14. Then our ace goes up and looks he had his arm caught in the shitter all night and the offense is no where to be found once again. But wait, the offense is back up again last night? Like what the fuck? My heart can't take this anymore. One day she wants to be with you forever and the next she says it's like we're on two different wavelengths. But then you make like MJ and ask yourself if you remember the time you fell in love and you just keep coming back. Because the Sox are there for you every night. Either at 1, 4,7, or 10. You don't wanna talk to anyone except to the bottom of your beer bottle, they're there playing for you. I don't know. Fuck everything. And anything?

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