Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What is that thing?

BERLIN -- South Africa's track and field federation has been asked to conduct a gender test on an 800-meter runner amid concerns she does not meet the requirements to compete as a woman. Caster Semenya, 18, won the 800 meters at the world championships with a stunningly dominating run. The world track and field federation requested the gender test about three weeks ago, after Semenya burst onto the scene by improving her personal bests in the 800 and 1,500 by huge margins.IAAF spokesman Nick Davies said the "extremely complex, difficult" test has been started but that the results were not expected for weeks.

So she improved her personal bests by large margins, eh? I wonder if those margins were bigger than this guy/girl's cock. Sounds to me like she has a salami strapped to her leg if you know what I mean. I just hope she turns out to be a guy, otherwise its just embarassing for this poor girl. People think she looks, runs, acts, and performs sexually like a male. Awkwardddddd. Track shorts don't conceal much though, so i want to know where she hides her mandingo. I bet its detachable. Those south africans are crazy people. Ask Mike Cyr.

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