Thursday, August 20, 2009

This Has Been The Worst Week Ever.

Ali said even the greatest gotta suffer sometime. It's Thursday and this might have been one of the worst weeks in the history of worst weeks. First Brett Favre comes back to football and now Hayden is wearing glasses, looks 30 and has what appears to be a double chin. Oh, and she also has a new boyfriend who looks strikingly similar to Andy from The Office. Or the gay dentist from the Hangover. Or Ed Helms. Guys like me can't win these days. I just feel like a one armed man, punching at nothing but the breeze. Thanks Hayden, for making me like less of a man I was 24 hours ago. I guess I'll never be good enough. Ever.

P.S. Who the fuck wears a sweater on the beach? It's cali baby. Let those puppies breath.

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