Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wait. That's a Girl? I Feel So Used.

BERLIN -- South Africa's track and field federation had been asked to conduct a gender test on an 800-meter runner amid concerns she does not meet the requirements to compete as a woman. Caster Semenya, 18, is a favorite in Wednesday's 800 final at the world championships. The world track and field federation requested the gender test about three weeks ago, after Semenya burst onto the scene by improving her personal bests in the 800 and 1,500 by huge margins. IAAF spokesman Nick Davies said the "extremely complex, difficult" test has been started but that the results were not expected for weeks. The verification requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender. "So we're talking about reports that are very long, very time consuming," Davies said. Semenya qualified for Wednesday's final with the best time of 1 minute, 58.64 seconds. She posted the world's top time this year of 1:56.72 three weeks ago at the African junior championships in Bambous, Mauritius. It was not clear what would happen if Semenya were to medal in Wednesday's final and the test results determined she does not meet the requirements to compete. "I can't say that if 'X' happens in the future that we will, for example, retroactively strip results. It's legally very complex," Davies said. "If there's a problem and it turns out that there's been a fraud . . . that someone has changed sex, then obviously it would be much easier to strip results," Davies added. "However, if it's a natural thing and the athlete has always thought she's a woman or been a woman, it's not exactly cheating."

Oh, please. They're going to give this poor he-she a brutal physical but won't investigate the chinese for using 7 year old girls on their olympic gymnastic team? I mean I understand the outrage over this though. We can't have guys wanting to build themselves a vagina and go out and break records just because they feel extra frisky when they throw on a pair of spandex and a wig. Now, I can't really blame this hermaphrodite here. I think you gotta put all the blame on the parents. Because you know when this story broke out, the father looked himself in the mirror and asked exactly where he went wrong. He got the athlete part down but maybe he should have been throwing his son batting practice with baseballs instead of softballs. Maybe he remembered the time his son walked up the stereo to turn off Springsteen and replaced it with George Michael.

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