Saturday, August 15, 2009

Landon Donovan Has The Swine

CARSON, Calif. -- Los Angeles Galaxy forward Landon Donovan has tested positive for what is believed to be swine flu, and his teammates are taking precautions. Donovan was to be evaluated by a doctor on Friday and Saturday, the team said. His status for the Galaxy's game against Seattle on Saturday night remains unclear. "It certainly depends on how Landon feels and what the doctors tell me," Galaxy coach Bruce Arena said after practice Friday. "He might be an option, depending on how quickly he can turn it around."Donovan did not practice Friday after playing all 90 minutes for the United States in a 2-1 loss to Mexico in World Cup qualifying Wednesday in Mexico City. first reported his condition Thursday night. The United States Soccer Federation said Donovan joined the national team on Aug. 9 in Miami, three days before the game. It also said that no other players expressed or showed signs of flulike symptoms while in camp.

I didn't jump on the I hate Mexico bandwagon awhile back when the swine flu broke out. People already knew that about me. Am I a racist? No. But is there an ethnicity that I hold to be the lowest on the totem pole as far as actually influencing our global economy in a positive way? Yes and that would be Mexico. Our friends to the south cause us nothing but headaches and I really didn't want to be that guy but then they went out and got Landon sick. America's one true shining star when it comes to international soccer. Yeah, he may or may not have started showing symptoms before the trip to Mexico but that's hearsay as far as I'm concerned because try and tell me that he got any real benefit by running around in that smog filled air and rubbing elbows with some of the dirtiest players in the world, not to mention those classy fans who chanted "osama" in 2004 (I mean their play is dirty by the way. Psyche.) All I'm saying is that if this was part of the grand scheme to knock us down a few levels they are sadly mistaken. Tomorrow when I wake up I'm still gonna be that over-privileged white kid who lives in his parents house, blogs naked, doesn't pay taxes, hates school, loves beer and so on and so forth. Eat my ass and suck my dick, Mexico.

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