Saturday, August 15, 2009

Papi Gets Pissed.

"Like I always say, I come in one day, I'll go out another. When I get to be gone, I won't give a flying [expletive] about nobody, period. Nobody going to give a flying [expletive] about me. They've already done anyway. But I see where all the media and player situation here come from. That said, I thought it was different. It ain't, though. All people work about is making money, selling bad news, talking [expletive] about people. Trying to call attention. I don't agree with it." -- David Ortiz

If I could go back and do it all over again, this would be my senior quote without a fucking doubt. With that being said, isn't papi coming off as a little bitch? He says he loved the media until they actually had something bad to report about on him. That's like saying you don't mind mexicans until you get laid off and look across the street to see some little fuck named eduardo manning your weed whacker for $5.50 a hour when you were demanding $10.00. The bottom line is Ortiz is having a terrible year. If there was something positive to report on him then I'm sure they would have done it already but running your mouth off like a 13 year old on her period is no way to go about voicing your bruised ego. The only solution is to shut your mouth, go about your business, grow a set and start hitting the ball. No one is going to throw a bone because you think you deserve special treatment for being a fan favorite for so many years.

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