Friday, August 21, 2009

Twin Bangs His Bro's Girl. Whoops.

A man is accused of pretending to be his twin brother in order to engage in a sexual encounter with a woman. Jared Rohrig, of Milford, was arrested Friday in connection with the sexual assault.Police said they were contacted by staff members of Milford Hospital that an unidentified woman went to the emergency room and said she was sexually assaulted on July 19. The woman requested to remain anonymous at that time.The woman revealed her identity to police on July 22 and filed a complaint in connection with the sexual assault.

Is it just me or is every set of twins a little fucked up? Like there seems to be a screw loose in every pair I ever played soccer with. Yeah Olson twins I'm talking to you. With that being said, can you really blame the guy for playing chess while his brother was playing checkers? Obviously things went a little overboard with the sexual assault allegation but I doubt he planned to beat the bitch up with his dick. Jared just wanted a little slap and tickle. Not his fault this dumb whore couldn't tell the difference between him and his brother. I want to laugh at this story because I feel like it's in every movie but rape aint a joke, fellas. Unless she was asking for it. Ya know, putting it all out there just to snatch it away when you're about to sign the contract. Which is highly likely in all rape cases.

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