Monday, August 17, 2009

Allen Iverson Needs a Job.

After the Heat traded center Mark Blount for veteran swingman Quentin Richardson late Thursday night, the Miami Herald's Mike Wallace wrote: "Considering the slightly higher luxury-tax bill, this could be the unofficial end to any interest the Heat had in acquiring Allen Iverson. There already were concerns about potentially getting everyone enough shots before Richardson came aboard. Iverson, a pure scorer, won't be needed as much."

Can a brotha get a paycheck? I'll say outright that I'm an Allen Iverson lover. Always have been and always will be. You can ask my own mother. Back in 6th grade I would always try to wear my royal blue 76ers jersey to school and she just wasn't having it. Anyway. He might not play the stickiest defense but you won't find another player his size who is willing to give up his body and bang with the bigs down in the paint. I'm not saying he's still a starter on a team but it seems likw teams would be drooling over a seasoned veteran who can come off the bench and provide instant scoring. He's like Stephon Marbury but uhh, actually still talented. Then again, maybe my vision is just tainted because of my deep admiration for the man. Regardless, you hate to see a power pitcher lose his fastball or a prize fighter not able to pack the knockout punch.

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