Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Was Your First Day? I Made 20 Million and Broke My Foot. Terrific!

Cincinnati Bengals first-round choice Andre Smith just ended his holdout, but now he'll be sitting again. The offensive lineman suffered a fracture in a foot during a noncontact drill Tuesday and it is not known how long he will be out, but he will miss the Bengals' opener on Sept. 13. Smith missed 30 days before agreeing to terms two days ago. "Andre suffered a small fracture in his left foot during a non-contact drill," Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said in a statement. "Our medical staff tells me the injury will not require surgery. It's too soon to closely predict how long it will be before he can return to practice, but it looks like he's going to miss a few weeks."Smith is currently on a roster exemption granted by commissioner Roger Goodell because of his late arrival. The exemption lasts until next week.

I guess I'm just excited for this because it'll be on the season finale of Hard Knocks. With that being said, this injury couldn't have happened to a better guy. I understand that offensive linemen are a hot commodity in the NFL and whenever you got a talented guy you do whatever you can to keep him. But Andre Smith is the definition of a slacker. You might even go as far as calling him a piece of shit. First, he comes into the combine out of shape. That's just silly. You're trying out for 30 or more teams who want to pay you enough money that you can buy out the twinkie organization and you're going to give them everything but your best? I may not be the hardest working whore out there but even I know when it's time to shine. Secondly, he was one of the last guys to sign with a team. This isn't some blue chip QB or running back coming into camp. A position where you can come in and make an immediate impact to a team and command big money. This is a fat fuck who's only job is to not let the other blubber butt get past him. You can argue all day that linemen are the most integral part to an offense and their success rate but you can't sit there and tell me that one tackle is going to make up for a piss poor line in the first place.

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