Monday, September 28, 2009

Apparently New York Is The Place To Be

And apparently the Patriots played a game yesterday. I wouldn't know though. The fine state of CT and the media terrorists over at Fox decided that the Giants/Bucs game was more important. Now all of a sudden everyone is looking at the G-men and Jets and proclaiming then super bowl favorites. Oh, and the Yankees too. Let's not forget who they have on their team. Little guy named A-rod. The same player who vanishes every time the month of October rolls around. Oh and the ace of the pitching staff is a fat piece of shit who never won a playoff game. So they have that going for them. I think they won the division in 2004 and 2007 and we all know how that ended for them. So, no. I'm not the least bit worried about those skanks from jew york. And I'm not gonna devote any time for Mark Sanchez and the jets due to the fact that I still have no respect for them. Giants aren't too shabby when they're not whining about bush league plays after a victory.

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