Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West Is a Silly Bitch

Taylor Swift seemed pretty surprised herself to have won the VMA for Best Female Music Video on Sunday evening, but the real shock came when Kanye West suddenly burst onto the stage and rudely stole the microphone from the country crooner during her acceptance speech."Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but BeyoncĂ© has one of the best videos of all time," West said. "One of the best videos of all time!"

I don't really understand why people are so shocked about this. I feel like this shit is to be expected from a guy like Kanye. All this moment needed was for Joe Wilson to yell from the nose bleeds, "you lie!" right after Kanye said Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time and show a shot of Nancy Pelosi furiously shaking her head. That would have been a top 10 moment for eternity. And I don't really get what all the fuss is about Taylor Swift. If you like listening to some bitch sing about her boy problems and whine about life as a 15 year old then by all means she's your type of gal but if you're like me and you still seek some music with actual emotion then I'd move on. First of all, she's not even hot. I've never liked my women tall, lanky and fair skinned. I'll go marry a white pole instead. It probably has more personality. On top of that, she has no back bone. I don't care if Ray Lewis jumps on stage and grabs my mic. I'm taking that thing back and the story ends with him going into a wall. She just stood there helpless. It was fucking pathetic. I thank God everyday that people like Kanye are still around to tell it like it is. Why settle for a lifetime of mediocrity? That's what we all should ask ourselves every time there is a Taylor Swift song playing.

P.S. Lady Gaga. What the fuck?

Double P.S. Kanye is setting black people back 100 years. Yeah, I just said that.

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