Monday, September 28, 2009

Stephen Jackson. I Always Get Him Confused With Ricky Davis

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Stephen Jackson still would like to be traded from the Golden State Warriors and doesn't regret his comments saying he would like to be dealt. On Monday, he even went as far as to say he regrets nothing in his career, speaking specifically about going into the stands with then-Indiana teammate Ron Artest during an ugly brawl with the Detroit Pistons in 2004. Jackson unloaded his frustrations with the franchise during media day Monday, reiterating public comments he made last month that he wants out so he has a more realistic chance at getting to the playoffs. Jackson said he is unhappy with the team's decline since reaching the second round of the 2007 playoffs to end a 13-year postseason drought. The Warriors' leading scorer and top defensive player was fined $25,000 by the NBA earlier this month for saying so.

I know what you're thinking. I didn't know Stephen Jackson was the leading scorer or even a top defensive player for the Warriors. In fact, I didn't even know Golden State still had a basketball team. I guess Oakland is where all wastes of life go to die. I don't really have an analogy on this one. Being the best player on a shitty team is like the hot chick with herpes from africa. Yeah, she doesn't have Aids yet but you know it's inevitable. So why trade for a guy like Jackson? Just asking for trouble I say.

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