Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hey Miley Cyrus, Get a Load Of Powers(that sounds so right).

Obviously my summer of '69 parody was a big hit so I got another request this morning. Here goes nothin'...

He hopped out the car at ESF with a dream and a cardigan
welcome to the land of unprotected sex, is he gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab, here he is for the first time
looked to his right, saw the Jim Boeheim sign
This is all so crazy, everybody kinda smells like anus
His tummy was turnin and he's feelin kinda morning sick
too many hot wings and he's bloated
but then the asian man turned on the radio and the jonas bro song was on, and the jonas bros song was and the jonas bros was on!
So he put his hands up, they were playing his song, the ass butterfly tattoo seemed to make him fly away. Nodding his head like yeah, moving deb powers' hips like yeah.
Got his hands up, they're playing his song, I think he might be gay. Yeaahhhh, There's a party in SU's back bay.

Got to the dome in his taxi cab, everyone was lookin at him now
Like, "who's that chick that's rockin kicks? he might be from out of town."
So hard with the rza not around him, this is definetly not a burlington party
Cause all he saw were stilletos, I guess he never got the memo.
but then PA turned on his favorite tune and the Hall and Oates song was on.
So he put his hands up, they're playing his song, the butterflies fly away.
Moving his dong like yeahh, shaking his romp like yeahhhhh
Yeaahhhhh, it's a party in the city of gay.

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