Saturday, September 5, 2009

Man Launches Cannon At Neighbor

UNIONTOWN, Pa. -- A Pennsylvania history buff who recreates firearms from old wars accidentally fired a 2-pound cannonball through the wall of his neighbor's home. William Maser, 54, fired a cannonball Wednesday evening outside his home in Georges Township that ricocheted and hit a house 400 yards away. The cannonball, about two inches in diameter, smashed through a window and a wall before landing in a closet. Authorities said nobody was hurt. State police charged Maser with reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct.No one answered the phone Friday at Maser's home. He told WPXI-TV recreating 19th century cannons is a longtime hobby. He said he is sorry and he will stop shooting them on his property, about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

What did the cannonball ricochet off of? It's gotta be something similar to General Macarthur's ship right? Which brings me to another point. I highly recommend reading up on Douglas Macarthur. The guy was the definition of an OG. I don't think America will ever see the likes of him ever again. Anyway. I digress. If I'm gonna be firing a cannon, I'm making sure that shit is going to bring the rain and the fire. I'm not taking chances on something that can bounce off of a maple tree like a tennis ball in a backyard homerun derby. I play for keeps. And contrary to popular belief, I'm not going to jump all over this guy and call him a dumb fuck because I've been there. Carriage drive used to be home to the annual apple launch where we'd load up a water balloon launch and crush whatever was in our way. Or maybe the time when we'd drive golf balls into the woods and wait for a verification that we hit a house. What I'm saying is when you're dreaming with a broken heart you'll do whatever you feel is necessary to cope. God bless ya.

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