Friday, September 11, 2009

Guys Steal Cop Car At Party

A 21-year-old man faces charges after he allegedly stole a New Mexico sheriff's patrol car, later telling investigators he "thought it would be fun." The San Juan County Sheriff's Office said Matthew Anderson was charged with a fourth-degree felony of unlawful taking of a motor vehicle and misdemeanor resisting or obstructing a police officer. The incident happened Monday when two deputies were investigating a disturbance at a party and left the cruiser's engine running.

Isn't this the ultimate goal? Besides saving a kitten in a tree and having a beer with the likes of Sean Avery or Springsteen . You can ask any group of guys and the one dream that keeps them coming back for more partying is the slim chance that maybe they'll get the chance to steal a cop car and go on a booze cruise. And I don't know where it comes from. Chalk it up to seeing it in movies like Varsity Blues when we were most influenced as a young gun maybe. At the end of the day it's just sending a giant ''fuck you" to anything seen as authority. That's what they used to call sticking it to the man in my day. Just something for my bomb squad to think about for our next adventure.

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