Thursday, September 17, 2009

Coach Makes Kid Drink Blood

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. -- According to lawsuit filed Thursday afternoon, a Central Connecticut State University student is accusing his former track coach of forcing him to drink blood. Charles Ngetich came to CCSU on a scholarship from Kenya but is no longer at the university after what his lawyer describes as an awful initiation ritual by his track coach during his freshman year. In the lawsuit, it is alleged that track coach George Kawecki told Ngetich that he would like to see him drink blood. Ngetich thought the coach was joking and told him no. However, two weeks later, Kawecki tried again, telling him that he saw a documentary about a Kenyan group that drinks blood for rituals. The complaint states, “In the presence of several members of the team, coach Kawecki produced a cup of blood, told the plaintiff he was too thin, needed calcium, and demanded that the plaintiff drink it. This young man thought he had no option, and he drank the blood." Attorney Josephine Miller said the bullying and pressure continued for two years. Miller said, “He had a number of comments made to him about Africa, the poverty there. He was traumatized and became despondent, almost to the point of suicide." Ngetich’s track and school performances dropped so low that he lost his scholarship in 2008. His friends said that he keeps his depression bottled up. They are just as angry that a university coach would be so insensitive to an international student. The complaint doesn’t state how much of the blood he said he was forced to drink.

Oh stop being such a pussy. So your coach made you drink a little blood and poked fun at your native country. You wanna be a Blue Devil right? Grow a set then come talk to me. You're an athlete. That's a privelige, not a right. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm the coach and you come into my domain then all bets are off. I might even let some goons come in from the prison and let them bat your shit around. Prove to me your tough enough. That you're mentally as well as physically strong. In my day, we'd make those freshman crawl between our legs as we punched them right in the grundle. Joking, of course. Let's be honest. How fucking insane is this story? Where the fuck did the blood come from? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that when they further investigate this couch, they'll find a basement that resembles something from the house of 1000 corpses. They kid needed calcium? Maybe a glass of milk would go down easier. Just a thought. Now, this coach is going to say that he didn't actually force the kid to drink the blood. However, being the pre-law student that I am, we can look at case #327788(1.5) the state of CA V. Jones where it explicitly states the use of intimidation as force is a valid argument in the realm of hazing. Wham. You just got served. Literally.

Don't go look up that case number. Just know I'm right.

Seriously. Where did they get the blood from?

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